Street Art

Out of context: Reply #217

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  • autoflavour2

    here ya go, terry cloth .. i dont know why i am bothering engaging.. but still.. if you dont know who these people are, then perhaps you should educate yourself ..

    • I know quest and lush, the rest of them are people who's work I have never seen outside of the internet. The internet ruined graffiti, cash in while it laststerry_cloth
    • All things come full circleterry_cloth
    • autocorrect, you know who i meant thoughterry_cloth
    • internet didnt ruin anything.. it just meant more people can see shit. by that rational magazines ruined it, or martha cooper ruined it..autoflavour
    • it did ruin it, you wouldn't understand. has someone who isn't you ever illegally painted? no, you are just a consumer and a wave rider, cashing in on the cultuterry_cloth
    • culture, i donno about those euro kids but i can tell you that kwest didn't do his best work for fame or money, this stuff here is just for selling productsterry_cloth
    • times have changed and some have cashed in, they aren't to blame, neither are you, it's the internets fault, it fucked up everythingterry_cloth
    • benching a kwest freight used to mean something, but you probably don't know what benching even is do youterry_cloth
    • by the way, the word you were looking for was rationaleterry_cloth
    • 1) how is someone who has PRODUCED over 53 hours of content a CONSUMER. 2) When i got into graf, back when i was 15 in 1992 I was working illegally.autoflavour
    • that was also the time when magazines like HYPE magazine in Australia was also sharing information, just like the internet.. only difference was you had to buyautoflavour
    • it from recordstores (back before there was actual shops just for paint, and you racked it from hardware stores)autoflavour
    • i am not claiming to be an old school head, first wave or anything. but I am by no means anyone who just came in a year ago and cashed in.. however that worksautoflavour
    • still yet to see any work from you.. this is the last piece i did.. after a 10 year hiatus.. its legal, so i guess it doesnt count..
    • https://scontent-frt…autoflavour
    • whatever.. this conversation is pointless. i know who i am.. if you dont like it, then yep.. sucks to be youautoflavour
    • and no, benching i have never heard of it.. guess its a freight thing, which wasnt really a thing in Australia.. we just did metro lines.autoflavour
    • yes, rationale is correct.
      thank you
    • hahaha, oh man, i'm done talking to you about this. my 6 year old nephew can draw letters that are better than that. cool fancy paint color shmear though broterry_cloth
    • ahahah, you are a trip, that's what you have come up with in 24 years? c'mon son, this is a passing phase for you, you are a culture vulture who has never doneterry_cloth
    • shit and now you ride coat tails and think you know something about something because you have socialized with some people who have actually put in the timeterry_cloth
    • i take back what i said earlier, people like you are indeed what is wrong with graffiti, it's still the internets fault though. sorry to be harsh but go hit theterry_cloth
    • books with your toy ass and stick to black and white until told otherwise. college ruled composition books is all you deserve, not some fancy art book neitherterry_cloth
    • No.autoflavour
    • Bro, I realize I am coming off like an asshole but you need to hear it from someone who isn't using you for free exposure. If you are really about street art orterry_cloth
    • and no. and yep, you keep hiding there, talking about some writer who you would show work from, nor show any work of your own.. nice work tho.autoflavour
    • Graf or w/e then move silently and move solo, this isn't a team sport or a social event, stick to the books and hone your craft, anything else is nut rider artterry_cloth
    • what is wrong with graffiti is people who keep thinking there is something wrong with graffiti..autoflavour
    • purist hater bullshit.autoflavour
    • but yep, you are arguing about graffiti, in a street art thread on a design forum.. so you must be winning.. kudos.autoflavour
    • shame you cant bring yourself to use your real account, so at least i know to avoid your shite elsewhere.autoflavour
    • Scene shenanigans and is about nothing other than generating hype for profit. You day you aren't making any money, yea, that's cause you can't paint for shitterry_cloth
    • You can suck every famous writer in the world's dick it won't make you any better at basic letter structure. Social media is a disease to Graff, one that you arterry_cloth
    • also using us for free exposure? its a complete ball ache sometimes to get these fuckers to agree to an interview.. you have no idea. about anything.autoflavour
    • Are shamelessly feeding. Knock it off or be honest about the fact that you know nothing about that life and are just a fanboyterry_cloth
    • im not claiming to be a writer, i produce a podcast with a friend of mine where we interview artists we know and others we dont. that is all. the last 24 yearsautoflavour
    • is just my life.. not this bullshit argument.autoflavour
    • watch and listen to the lush video.. he says more in 30 seconds about this than this entire argument.autoflavour
    • OK I guess you are unfamiliar with how the acronym swim works. Ima make it a little clearer for you. I personally have done jail time for graffiti and have realterry_cloth
    • this argument is retarded. you are connecting that my painting is shit to us not making any money? we dont make money because we dont tryautoflavour
    • -ly lived the shit you pretend to be about. It is illegal, and I am not going to post it onlineterry_cloth
    • we do it just to talk with people. hear their story.. drink a beer and be done. its called media production.autoflavour
    • This has gotten out of hand. Sorry to have upset you. You are a fanboy and that is fine, keep up with the fanboy shit bro, your site looks goodterry_cloth
    • you are kind of missing the point here.. we have produced 53 shows, 7 of which are with graf writers.. the rest are muralists and street artists.autoflavour
    • and I am the producer, the host, is a muralist. its all legal.. its not graffiti..autoflavour
    • In the future I urge you to not mouth off like you know about the lifestyle based on having socialized with a couple of people, that just isn't you my manterry_cloth
    • Be humble, you are a guest in this Graff shit. Ooooor go hit the books and progress that shit you do past a third grade level before you go around spouting bullterry_cloth
    • Shit cause you might just be talking to somebody who is really about itterry_cloth
    • i get it, you are a hardcore purist. but you are in a thread for street art, talking to someone who interviews street artists.autoflavour
    • what are you even doing on a design forum? in a street art thread?autoflavour
    • And yea, you are fuckin right it's not graffiti, that was my original comment that got you so hot and bothered. It's cool though, you have since admitted to beiterry_cloth
    • Being a fanboy. That's cool bro, don't go around fronting like you live this shit bro, you are nothing more than an art fanboy and there's nothing wrong with tjterry_cloth
    • *that, just be real and be humble cause you came on pretty strong there for someone who hasn't really done shit but socialize and edit some videoterry_cloth
    • im not even a guest in this graf shit as you put it.. i am a producer. producing a podcast.autoflavour
    • you are the only one here spouting bullshit.. you have dont nothing but attack the entire time. and for what.. you are so hardcore you cant even show work.autoflavour
    • i believe you.. i believe everything you have said.. dont get me wrong.. i cant tell, i have known enough writers and had this argument beforeautoflavour
    • but read back over the comments.. look at what i have said.. i never went to jail, i stopped writing when it meant i could. that makes weak pussy i know.autoflavour
    • but i just shifted into making music and buying drum machines. im not street, im not hard. i never claimed i was.autoflavour
    • but seriously tho.. i got asked by a muralist i know if i wanted to do a show.. i have the skills, he has the technical painting knowledge..autoflavour
    • skills to produce the podcast, run the site etc.. painting for me was just some fucking around with my brother in law in summer after years of him pestering meautoflavour
    • I didn't call you a pussy, don't be melodramatic. I said where are the letters cause I didn't see any fucking Graff as advertised and you told me to suck a dickterry_cloth
    • Pump the brakes there skipper, you need to release some of the gas out of that headterry_cloth
    • yeah, i shouldnt have told you suck a dick..autoflavour
    • i say graf because the writers we have had are reasonably well respected.. hell, Nychos is in Lords crew ffs.autoflavour
    • and 1UP, anyone who can do a whole car, in station, with passengers on board counts in my book..…
    • look, i hate having beef with people on the internet.. its too easy to be a dick. i just reread it all, and i can totally see how you would have read it.autoflavour
    • and i know you didnt call me a pussy, but yep, i totally did stop writing once the consequences got serious. a few friends didnt. last time i saw one of themautoflavour
    • they were homeless with a heroin addiction, the other i know was doing 5-7 years for robbery. i knew the path, i didnt followautoflavour
    • a lot of the people we interview are kind of the same, got out when it got hot. but even fortress, he had his place raided like 6 months ago.. and he has a babyautoflavour
    • we cool?autoflavour
    • Of course we're cool babe, if there was a personal problem I would most likely have gone and got myself banned over it lol. Keep doing what you doterry_cloth

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