Graphic Design is dying

Out of context: Reply #49

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  • mg330

    By it's very definition, graphic design can't die. Being very literal here, but as long as people are designing graphics, graphic design is alive and well.

    I think what you meant to say is that innovative creativity, and unique, eye-catching design is dying TO YOU either because you're seeing less work that blows you away, or you feel like everything you see is largely inspired by something that preceded it, and lacks any sense of uniqueness. The "art" of it, I guess. That largely comes down to the exposure you provide yourself into what's out there. If you only wander grocery store aisles for inspiration, or evidence of great design work, you're probably going to be unsatisfied and left wanting more. But if you actively seek out a wide variety of work in publications, annuals, exhibits, websites, etc. I think you'll find plenty out there that's turning heads and accomplishing the goals someone had for it, whether a personal art project, a client project, or anything else.

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