Learning to Skate

Out of context: Reply #24

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  • Calderone20000

    I'm 40 too. Once you get the hang of standing on your board and you feel confident enough pushing it around, I suggest finding a nice (wooden) bowl and try cruising around in it. Find the different lines, get used to the transitions and experiment with pumping to keep your speed. Carving a bowl is the best feeling in the world and it's not too hard on your knees ;-). Why wood? because it hurts less than concrete when you fall...

    • What I find hard understand is why cruising isn't enough for some people. Tricks aren't necessarily skatings bread and butter.monospaced
    • ^ +1Calderone2000
    • Learn to ollie well, though. It makes cruising way more fun.nb
    • "pumping to keep your speed"...hee heesee_thru

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