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  • Beeswax0

    better to get a land, on high hill tops adjacent to a valley with resources. better for protection.
    try to be close to water springs. rivers might be contaminated.
    have at least 2 cattle, bunch of chickens and two separate parts of land for summer and winter crops.
    you'll collect fruits outside of your perimeter for a while. but start planting appropriate trees.
    don't go hunting. you might need that ammunition to protect your home.
    setting up traps is a better idea both for animals and humans.
    of course if you're in a peaceful community there;s no need for that.
    try to form small communities with likeminded people. you'll need each other.
    stock antibiotics and other necessary drugs. have at least 2 doctors if u are in a community.
    despite the general concern gas will be abundant but in the hands of merciless. try to keep an economical vehicle.
    best thing you can do is to generate your own energy, wind, sun whatever you have. try to install at least one wind powered generator. than you can even have an electric car. of course it's not easy to install one. instead find one that's already installed and decalre it yours.

    • Wow... I would have thought this was a benfal post... :)ETM
    • not yet :)Bennn

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