QBN Suggestion Box

Out of context: Reply #172

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  • sea_sea4

    So can we ban/block/hide people yet?
    I have a few I wouldn't mind not seeing in my feed ever again.
    Pretty fed up with the continuous never ending smack.
    So disappointing to say the least.

    • just a few days ahah :) because a frapping moron reported the plugins.sted
    • Oh sweet. Thank you kindly. Thought I missed the note. ;)sea_sea
    • its called concentration camp 2.0™yurimon
    • fuckin yurimonospaced
    • yeah, had to be said. which ideology creates a plugin to censor non spam speech? hmmm. thinking......yurimon
    • who is most likely to use such a plugin when they are called out on their shit, but instead of correcting or inquiring about their error would like to censor..yurimon
    • thinking....yurimon
    • omfg, you are too muchmonospaced
    • i'll nevar sensor.yurimon
    • yeah, no shitmonospaced
    • Come on sted ... you can't get this magic plug-in out fast enough, mate ...Continuity
    • I'm afraid yurio has a little bit of a tiny little point there...LOL!
    • No, he doesn't. It's about the kind of experience one wants. And if one wants a Yurimon-less experience, one uses sted's plug-in. Simple as that.Continuity
    • Equating a browser ext. to a concentration camp? Bravo. The sooner I can hide his mewling, stirring, bullshit the better. Nothing of value will be lost.face_melter
    • there is a software called raspberry pie but it has no raspberries and not pie nor can you eat it. macos sierra, cant climb it... or walk in it like the sierrayurimon
    • lol, yuri, when the government persecutes you for speaking the truth, then you can talk about censorship, until then, you just sound like a moronmonospaced
    • what experience? sea was called out not by me. you are free to live in your bubble of choice.yurimon
    • mono, there is different kinds of censorship talk about duh. self imposed censorship like your practice on yourself is more of primate bot culture.yurimon
    • intelligent people don't censor others. period. not that i care but just wanted to point just incase there was some aspect of a human being logged in somewhere.yurimon
    • No, intelligent people block the cunty ramblings of morons called Yurimon, so that they can use QBN as the light-hearted distraction it's supposed to be.Continuity
    • And do in peace.Continuity
    • i dont see how a few posts will take away from your light hearted distraction. i'm not the only one who posts other view points, do those people get blocked tooyurimon
    • you options to visit politics thread which is filled with unpleasantries regardless of a specific person being there.yurimon
    • You're constant need to preach and control is ridiculous. Funny how you speak of freedom when you're constantly trying to prove others wrong. Yawn.sea_sea
    • it's not your viewpoints entirely, it's just how trollish and condescending you can be as you incessantly peddle your insane shit in an insane fashion.monospaced
    • Quit *YOUR bitchinsea_sea
    • and i'm not the only one saying itmonospaced
    • what does freedom and truth or observation have to do with anything? i'm not trying to control anyone. lol its just talking. jeez fragile butterflies.yurimon
    • Okay, then be aware that your way of "talking" comes across as controlling most of the time.sea_sea
    • oh so there is freedom of speech, but no freedom of listening. I just don't care about a fake person who has no toughs of his own.sted
    • and no one should expect me to listen to ghosts.sted
    • This gives the right to ignore someone. as cou can just walking away from a person if you're not interested in what he says.sted
    • self-justification is masturbation.sted
    • so you are justifying your position because you dont listen to yourself? i dont think freedom of speech works like that.yurimon
    • its a hard concept to grasp for an eastern block communist country. you are just making it up. its your self justification. you cant admit you are wrong.yurimon
    • i could tell by all your eastern european nuances, very typical dude with a stubborn mind, ego is strong in hungry. you are smart but not that smart. no one is.yurimon
    • You had the power to create and you created a communist type application to gain favor of people on qbn. bravo. yet you are upset at people making fun of overyurimon
    • weight guy. Cant apply that same concept to you gaining at the expense of the less popular. and only because most people can go into certain conversation.yurimon
    • good job at using the same logic used by tyrants to dehumanize someone and justify your actions.yurimon
    • Do you ever fucking shut up?Continuity
    • i'm responding to sted not you.yurimon
    • Try not responding at all, for a change.Continuity
    • omfg, this guy is too muchmonospaced

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