Architect Designed Homes

Out of context: Reply #3

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  • detritus0

    I'm all for modern design in houses, but please don't overly inflict it on your neighbours, especially if your taste is incined towards the awful.ā€¦

    • are you referring to the BBC house?lowimpakt
    • No, sorry - the one ^up there. This was supposed to be a sort of counterpoint.detritus
    • Such incredible horseshit. We may as well all live in grey boxes with that attitude.face_melter
    • Houses aren't inflicted on people - there is a proper consultation process and if the folk around object, it doesn't get built.face_melter
    • You'd be happy if you had a property and your neighbour put up that monstrosity at the head of the page next door? We have planning permission for a reason...detritus
    • As far as 'grey boxes' is concerned - what the hell is that up there anyway? You live in Sweden, right? How tolerant are they of that sort of thing up there?detritus
    • Arrogance.detritus
    • Ah, sorry - I missed your second response mid-refresh, the one that essentially agrees with me.detritus
    • I thought the BBC gaff looked a bit too big and then realised it contained a studio & gallery. i started getting serious gaff envy. beautiful location.lowimpakt
    • really nice place in that BBC link. lucky old artistic couple look like they are living the life of riley there. much jealous.microkorg

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