Pic of the Day

Out of context: Reply #104676

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  • Bennn5


    • how did all those black people get in the white house?kingkong
    • “Am I going to include who?” he asked.
      "Are they friends of yours? Set up a meeting," he added.
    • If Rice or Jarrett had sat like this in Oval Office, conservatives would have screamed themselves hoarse for weeks. Now, it's "who cares, we all do it"kona
    • I bet the photographer said, can we get that white lady's legs out the photo. This is only for black people. Bet you anything.kingkong
    • lol monokona
    • alternative seatschukkaphob
    • get your feet off the couch ya bum!scarabin
    • http://i.imgur.com/u…Ramanisky2
    • Brazzers™jabstract
    • Shoes on couch. Absolute lack of formality in a public meeting/photo-op. Oblivious snatch wafting. She's like a fucking child.detritus
    • lol@detrius... snatch wafting HAHA!kona
    • Getting ready for the bukkake #BBCApeRobot
    • BBBC- arigatoBH26
    • She's tweeting on behalf of @potus "Plenty of seating in the oval. Try reporting accurately & fairly!"see_thru
    • Looks like a teen in her living room. Its the fuckin castle of the King of the USA, how serious does it look for the WorldBennn
    • would?since1979
    • One can only imagine how little respect they have for the place when the cameras aren't on...detritus
    • I'm with kingkong on this one. just looks like she's getting out of the way of the photogGnash
    • she was taking a picture
    • http://media.vanityf…Gnash
    • http://i.dailymail.c…Gnash
    • http://www.snopes.co…kona
    • Because I knew someone would post Obama with his feet up. For shits n giggles, google a few past presidents and see what comes up. Also,kona
    • there is a rather big difference between feet up on a desk working and shoes on a couch like a child.kona
    • pretty sure the rightwing nutjobs railed on Obama for that ... sooooo ... its game on.Ramanisky2
    • The 1 president I'm sure we'll never see with his feet up is Trump. As he isn't flexible enough to get them up that high, nor the girth of his dickdo let himkona
    • Oh, and a dickdo is that fat pouch of shit on above his dick that sticks out more than his dickdokona
    • Bill Clinton did some freaky stuff in there.monospaced
    • So if Trump took a shit on the floor whatever cause Bill got sucked off and Obama put his feet up on the desk. Cool.kona
    • well, I'm outraged,GeorgesII
    • meanwhile nobody focus on what Trump is going to do for HBCUs and help black universities, muh racism,
      Today's outrage, brought to you by the easily offended
    • what is he going to do for them georges? what exactly?kona
    • relax Georges, people are focusing on thatmonospaced
    • how you don't realize what's going on here is more of a caption contest I do not know, but it seems like you're the one being easily offended here b/c racismmonospaced
    • I'm not. Nothing more than a photo-op for Trump to 'connect' with the black community. Yet another snake oil salesman pitch... "let's help" then do nothingkona
    • Jesus Christ. This isn't a photo opp. It's him doing something. Fucking hell.monospaced
    • kona, he's going to do what obama the black man hasn't done for them, those universities are in shamble, I guess it's better to save face and keep blackGeorgesII
    • american than actually try to find the solution. It's sad that no matter what Trump does, there needs to be some bullshit manufactured controversy toGeorgesII
    • "Nothing more than a photo-op for Trump to 'connect' with the black community.", condescending much?GeorgesII
    • of course someone was going to post a shot of other people relaxing in the WH. and why? because it's no big deal. get over yourselves and your outrageGnash
    • it doesn't mean anythingGnash
    • I'm not outraged ... just pointing out that The Right was soooo outraged when Obama did it.Ramanisky2
    • were they?Gnash
    • uhhhh YEAH.
      you know the same fake outrage when he saluted a marine with a cup of coffee in his hand.
    • but this guy nahhhhh
    • they were, Gnashmonospaced
    • He isn't doing anything mono. He's having a meeting to talk about doing something. Unless during this meeting he signed legislation he hasn't done shitkona
    • So are all of you guys here for the gangbang?ridlerontheroof
    • didn't realize that, still doesn't change the fact that it's meaningless.Gnash
    • i for one am not outraged, just irritated.
      as always.
    • it may be but, again, this was all the right was outraged about for 8 years. FOXNEWS would run that garbage on a 24 hr loopRamanisky2
    • FNi_was
    • I'm so out raged i can't even!!pango
    • http://www.npr.org/2…bklyndroobeki
    • would.Hayoth
    • Looks like she is waiting for a fucking trainmrAtor
    • Where's Cee-lo?wagshaft
    • LOL! Cee-lo is in the back but he's shortchukkaphob

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