
Out of context: Reply #1949

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  • set5

    If there is a god then the stupid fucks from all religions are praying to the same one anyway so they're cunts, and if there isn't a god then they're cunts for wasting their time. So basically there's no way that religious people are not cunts

    • It doesn't follow that if Zeus is real that Christians and Jews are praying to Zeus. You can tune your radio to a dead station.i_monk
    • All the main religions say there is one God, so if they're praying to God, it's the same God.set
    • Religion A: God says no pork or wine. Religion B: God says pork is fine, makes you drink wine at church. God of Religion A ≠ God of Religion B.i_monk
    • Hinduism is a "main religion" and it was founded on a multiple-god premise.monospaced
    • eh? I upvoted your post, btw.monospaced
    • set yes! finally. except the polytheist religions all the other ones are praying to the same god.Beeswax
    • yes it's stupid that they are fighting between each other but that's human nature.we even fight over football matches https://en.wikipedia…Beeswax
    • To be fair the very article you provided explains that it wasn't really to do with football at all...set
    • I don't buy the idea that humans are naturally prone to wars, personally, I think we've been manipulated in to them by a very small few on most occasionsset
    • "multi god premise" farther son holy ghost anyonetrooperbill
    • that's all part of one spirit though, right? every Christian explains that trinity differently; ironically you'd think they would be on the "same page," but no.monospaced

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