
Out of context: Reply #43

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  • mg330

    More Google / Android questions:

    When you take photos, are they viewed in an app related to the camera, or do they go straight to Google Photos?

    I'm currently copying over my iCloud photos library to Google Photos, trying to get most of my stuff situated before the phone comes later this month.

    • Android apps work via permissions - you will be asked to allow your camera access to Google Photos, Contacts, Gmail etc.face_melter
    • You can tailor where you want the pics to go - I guess with a Pixel they will go direct to Google Photos with the originals stored on the device.face_melter
    • There normally a DCIM (?) folder which contains everything the camera takes. Android uses a folder structure so you can easily copy/move files around.face_melter
    • If you're on a pixel then Google photos will be your default gallery app. Any other phone will have its own default appset
    • I use the LG/Sony whatever phone I'm using's gallery app but download Google photos and have it back up every image I take/saveset
    • That way I can delete stuff on my phone to keep it clean, save storage, wipe the OS etc but Google photos has everything backed upset
    • You'll be able to 'delete from device' while still having it available on the cloudset
    • Another great thing is that your phone shows up as a USB hard drive when plugged in to your computer, so you can just drag and drop stuff in and outset
    • Without fucking with something like iTunes or the apple photo software I forget what it's called but remember how awful it wasset
    • Recommend uploading your iTunes library to Google play tooset
    • And import all your notes to Google Keepset
    • I like the idea of drag and dropping files into a file structure on my phone. Old school and convenient.monospaced
    • Yup, plugging in and getting immediate access is great. I can't do anything with my old ipad without updating and there's no space left.formed
    • Which did you go for, XL or standard?craigatkinson
    • Standard.mg33
    • Dropping iTunes was the most complicated thing for me when I turned to Android. Now that I subscribed to Google Play Music, everything is A1Bennn

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