
Out of context: Reply #51

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  • mg330


    Got the phone yesterday. Did the setup process. It didn't transfer from my iPhone properly because it ran out of power, but I thought I'd play around with it for a while. Currently doing another fresh transfer after resetting the phone.

    At first, I was really resistant to even considering liking it. I've been using an iPhone since probably 2009 - old habits die REALLY HARD and though I like Material Design, to use it in action is odd. It takes some getting used to. Within an hour I told myself "this isn't for me" and was prepared to box it up and send it back.

    But I spent more time last night playing around with it, adding some apps that didn't transfer, learning about the screens, control center, etc.

    I'm coming around and after waking up thinking about it this morning, I'm definitely coming around on it.

    There's one nagging issue I'm trying to resolve, and that's restricting my work gmail (with an address) to the Gmail app, and not having it show up in Inbox, which I use for my work email. They have been seperate on my iPhone forever and it's just the way I do things. I'm having trouble setting one email as the phone's primary account. For example, my personal email is the primary, obviously. But when I went to buy an app, it only showed my work email as the purchase email. I do not want this at all.

    Aside from that, I think I will come around on it. I really like the portrait mode on the camera. Made some photos of my daughter look really fantastic.

    • settings > change account > email address. any other email accounts you use with gmail will work fine if set up on desktop before. never had this issue - I havefadein11
    • about 4 diff addresses coming into gmail. Android doesn't control that - just your google account you are signed in as. Unless I have misunderstood your issue.fadein11
    • It's more like email accounts are added to the phone, not to individual apps. Both my work email and personal email are available in Inbox and Gmailmg33
    • Sorry I think I understand the issue now. I use K9 mail app for one work address - it's separate from Gmail - that's how I do that for similar reasonsfadein11
    • Just turn off which account syncs what in the account settings... I have multiple work and personal emails and have zero issuesset
    • Yep - that's not what he asked - I thought he did at 1st. I have multiple email accounts in gmail. He wants to keep one separate from gmail. Which I also dofadein11
    • with 1 account only for various reasons. I use a different email app for that - K9 - which keeps it separate.fadein11
    • I think that's what he meant anyway, Gmail is great at accessing numerous emails so don't see the issue if not.fadein11
    • It's really that I want to mirror how I use my iPhone. Two different email apps with two different accounts means I'm getting 2x the notification for everythingmg33
    • Notification settings...set
    • yeah turn off notification settings like you can for any app.fadein11
    • notifications in*fadein11

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