
Out of context: Reply #53

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  • mg331

    Holy hell... I'm breathing a sigh of relief after making the decision to not keep the Pixel 2. Realized tonight that my entire weekend has been filled with an insane level of bipolar-type debating on whether this phone was for me or not. And it's not. Took a couple days to figure it out, but that's how it goes.

    Ultimately, I just don't have the f'ing time to wrap my head around something that felt like a radically different device. I tried to ask myself "will this all feel normal in a month?" and realized that no, it won't. However cliche or tween of me this sounds, being an iPhone user since 2008, the phone and it's OS practically feels like an extension of my hand at this point. It's amazing to see how engrained we can become in a daily process like using a phone.

    Among the things I did not like about it:

    - The interspersing of work and personal email addresses across the phone. It resulted in notifications going off for Gmail and Inbox for the same messages being received in both phones.
    - Various apps did not have an Android version. I did my research before buying it to see what really wasn't available, but two apps were not: 1) The Fuji camera WiFi transfer tool. 2) An app like TagsDock to manage hashtags and easily insert them into Instagram. Nothing but garbage in the Android store. I can't believe the shit some people put out as apps.
    - I thought I'd be able to export my Apple Health data to Google Fit, but either it requires some dev-level approach or it's just not possible. If it is, I'm sure it will take way too long and that's the point I decided to give up on it.
    - Chrome SUCKS on Android compared to Safari on iOS. I did not like that it was so easy to see regular tabs and Incognito tabs if you were adding a new one of either. iOS's ability to shift to Private Tabs and remain there until you switch back is great.
    - The notifications stuff just seemed too wild compared to iOS. Annoying more than anything, it just felt too busy.
    - I did not like that sharing something from certain apps pulled up a list of contacts to "Share With" before it listed apps you can share to. And there was no way to manage this without getting some ugly app that, when you share something, pops up and asks you if you want to share with that app (where you can restrict what/who to share to) or use the phone's regular sharing tools.

    Oh... and if that's all not enough, I dropped the damn thing without a case on it and slightly dinged one of the bottom corners. Screen is fine, once it's got a case on it you'd obviously never know. So now I don't want it, can't return it. Anyone want to offer a reasonable but lower amount than $750 for it and buy it off me? It's an unlocked black Pixel 2, 128GB. I can't believe I dropped it the first day I had it, I was beyond pissed so I've seriously just blocked it all out of my mind.

    Might try for the iPhone X this week, otherwise still using my iPhone 7 with iOS 10.

    • You had me at 'Holy hell'
      I'm not going near that phone :)
    • I get why people like Android, I really do. I like Material Design quite a bit. It felt weird to see it in action for the first time on a phone in my hand.mg33
    • where is benn? BENN! someone doesn't like android!pango
    • Something else that drove me crazy: all the extra clicks. In iOS if you have to enter your passcode, the device opens as you enter the last number.mg33
    • On Android, you have to click a checkmark after entering the passcode. Not a big deal, but pretty annoying.mg33
    • Lol at chrome sucks compared to safari. Fucking hell. It's better in almost every single way. Nevermind, each to their own I guess..set
    • Also it's not hard to turn specific notifications off, lol...set
    • There's a definitely a case of being completely used to something though. Android does everything I need it to almost perfectly...set
    • ... and using my ipad pro which I have for illustration, aside from the brilliant few apps, is a horrible, poorly designed unintuitive experience in comparisonset
    • Pattern swipe requires no extra clicks and is much quicker than a pass code, or just touch (not even click) your finger on the fingerprint sensor to unlock...set
    • ... in zero clicksset
    • The only real issue I can see of yours is the lack of the few apps you were used to. I don't have that issue on my phone but definitely had to buy an iPad..set
    • .. rather than android tablet for illustration and music productionset
    • thanks for the comments set. The lack of certain apps is a bigger problem than I thought it would be. Music-making apps, specifically.mg33
    • Yea it's a shameset
    • hey mg33 the Fuji transfer is there! I have it!Bennn

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