
Out of context: Reply #58

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  • Bennn0

    mg33, it's ok if you didnt like Android. It's not easy going from iOS after so many years. When I switched from iOS to Android, it took me a good month or two before getting use to it. Lots of things annoyed me at first, like you. Its all a question of habits and you can't change habits in 2 days.

    The best is to have a friend who gives you a Android crash course the first day and show you all the tricks and tips. A coworker helped me and it made the switch go better. If you were on your own trying to figure everything by yourself, I can understand you got frustrated with some things.

    personally, I switch my tablet first, from iPad to Samsung tablet, thats where I got in touch with Android for the first time. I was still using my iPhone. So I got use to Android slowly since I dont use my tablet as much as my phone. I guess switching your main device (phone) is kind of a big sudden change to face since you're using it all the time.

    many of the problems you faced have a solution tho.

    • Social Hashtags and AutoHash do the work for the # in Instagram, for exampleBennn
    • there's also HashTag OrganizerBennn
    • it gets bettermonospaced
    • Yep, I don't mean to rude, for once, but almost ecru point mg33 made was due to lack of understanding how to address it, rather than being real issuesset
    • every *set
    • And the Fuji transfer app is there, I have it, you probably missed itBennn
    • Thanks Bennnnnn. I spent more time with it yesterday, used it during the day. Switched back to my iPhone last night.mg33
    • The email account problems are probably the deal breaker for me. I don't understand how I can't isolate email addresses per app.mg33
    • The other thing that I honestly don't like, realizing I could get used it, sure - are the various processes that take an extra step vs. an iPhone.mg33
    • Ex: the lock screen, entering pin code. On iPhone, entry of the last number opens the phone. On Android, I have to click a checkmark. Why?mg33
    • There are numerous instances of this throughout different apps. Reddit is an example. Switching accounts, have to select the acct. then click OK.mg33
    • Kind of a poor way to do something so simple. I don't see anything in Material Design that lends to not taking you somewhere based on the selection you make.mg33
    • I checked out those hashtag apps while I was using the phone. I use this for my iPhone:…mg33
    • All the Android apps are tedious to use - rely on copy/pasting going from app to app from what I can tell. Lame.mg33
    • There's one called Magnify that requires you to enter things like "magnify_[hashtag group name]" on IG to pull from a custom list. Also tedious.mg33
    • You're not using your fingers to unlock your phone??Bennn
    • i mean the sensor on the backBennn
    • tagsdock seems nice indeed, but I can live easily with the apps on Android for that, but I can understand you'd like the same app since you're used to itBennn
    • for your email problem, i'm not sure I totally understand, so i can't help here. You want to use emailA in Gmail and emailB in another apps?Bennn
    • For email, I have a work gmail account with email address. For personal, I have an @gmail address.mg33
    • On my iPhone I use Inbox for personal email, Gmail for work. Same for desktop. For very clear reasons; I use labels for work email religiously.mg33
    • I use most Inbox features for organizing personal email. I don't want to switch how I do this.mg33
    • On Android, you add email accounts at the phone level, not at app level. So, work and personal email are available in Inbox and Gmail.mg33
    • I don't want this. I don't want to adjust, I don't want to change my habits. It's never clear when I click an email notification which app will open.mg33
    • You cannot remove an account from either app because of the accounts living at the phone level.mg33
    • I'm curious i will try it. I have a work gmail @company too. I'll get back to you this evening maybeBennn
    • I've made the test, I see what you mean. I'm receiving notification for the same emails in Gmail and InBox... annoying yes. I'll check it out online.Bennn
    • at least you can turn off notification on one account in Inbox. Its Gmail the problem here.Bennn
    • Got it mg33, its pretty easy actually. > https://android.stac…Bennn
    • Just turn off notification for the account of your choice in both Inbox and Gmail. Works #1 here.Bennn
    • Inbox
      Hamburger menu > Settings > Select the accound > Notifications: OFF
    • Gmail
      hamburger menu > scroll down the left menu > Settings > Select the account > Notifications: OFF
    • Voilà! :) You'll receive one notification per account, not two.Bennn
    • For the extra clicks you're talking about, think about all the time you'll save by using the awesome BACK BUTTON! Seriously.Bennn
    • For the hashtags, you'll get use to the apps on Android, they're effective. You problems are almost all fixed :)Bennn
    • I appreciate it, but I'm sticking with iOS. In fact, I'm trying to get my company to buy the Pixel 2 from me so we can start having devices on hand for testing.mg33
    • Not sure why we don't, but sounds like there's a desire to do so soon.mg33
    • np, I totally understand. I didnt told you but I switched to Android two times before adopting it.Bennn
    • Went from iPad > Android tablet, totally hated it (a lot) Then 2 years later got back from iPad to Android tablet again cuz i needed an SD slot.Bennn
    • its not an easy switch. We're on those lil machine ALL the time.Bennn
    • You see, now I can't stand iOS, each time I use my gf's iPad I want to destroy it. Its all a question of habits. :)Bennn
    • You're still making points that are simply you not understand how to use it properly. The passcode is such a moot point...set
    • Use pattern swipe or fingerprint, it's much faster and doesn't require any extra taps... Odd thing to focus onset
    • Not sure why you chose a whole new ecosystem if you 'don't want to adjust your habits' to be fairset
    • I get it set... I had honestly never used one before. I just don't care for the way numerous habits must change. I'm too busy to bother with it.mg33
    • Furry muffset
    • mg33 getting gang banged by the android fanboysinteliboy
    • Apple fanboys still trying to use the name allocated to them on anyone who doesn't totally worship their productsset
    • ;)set
    • lolmonospaced
    • more like a floppy finger banging, intelliboy.Gnash
    • I use an ipad and a mac by the way. But I still suck an android phone's cockset
    • It's got the GURFset
    • I hate Apple OS's, sue me.Bennn

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