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Out of context: Reply #26081

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  • robotron3k2

    I've been following this arm chair archaeologist, cfapps7865 for some months, he's posting regularly on Youtube now and as his subscribers are growing at about 1000 people a month... He uses google maps, books, and the web to find and point out ancient locations that have yet to be excavated. His videos dissect ancient theories and makes some pretty good arguments on a variety of topics. ...

    • interesting vidutopian
    • so 5000 years of scholarly evidence is turned on its head by an idiot with a youtube channel right. https://www.wikiwand…_niko
    • clearly a sphinx. has this guy ever seen anubis. has this guy ever seen a dog?
      let me post bullshit conspiracy theories and see how many morons i can get to
    • ...subscribe to my channel._niko
    • < man, this is some Son level evidence right there._niko
    • its used to be a lion head because when they made that thing the lion was facing the sign Leo.sureshot
    • if you are into this kind of stuff you should lookup/watch Graham Hancock. Loads of stuff on Youtube.fadein11
    • I love forbidden archeology. The king of this is Michael A. Cremo.mugwart
    • @_niko. whats wrong with people creating a youtube video to challenge an establishment? I think its healthy. He might be wrong but whats the harm in it?mugwart
    • some vids are relevant, some are clickbait.ApeRobot
    • If niko did any critical thinking and research of his own he'd know that most of the 5000 years of scholarly evidence is bullshit and inaccurate.set
    • You only have to look at gobekli tepe as proof that time frames and the generally accepted idea of the birth of civilisation is utter nonsenseset
    • So to rubbish something off SIMPLY because it doesn't fit with generally accepted ideology is an invitation for me to suggest you kindly get fuckedset
    • As mugwart said he could very well be totally wrong but nothing wrong with exploring new avenues and ideasset
    • Unless of course you're scared shitless that everything you thought you knew might be wrong, as sadly most of mainstream history is...set
    • Ancient history *set
    • tldr : get fucked nikoset
    • "Just wind him up and watch him go!"detritus
    • again I side with set. to wind me up and go just mention gobekli tepe. Its like spoil kid at Christmas!mugwart
    • Ive been hearing talks how free speech is actually racist and should be stopped... so I encourage every armchair amateur out there to do this stuffmugwart
    • I'm passionate about the progression of humanity, but if you fail to see I do my rants with humour then more fool you I guessset
    • +1 to Mr Mugwart as usualset
    • yep gobekli tepe is v.interesting. one of Graham Hancock's favourite subjects. Really check him out and read his books - he's a dude and shows all the genuinefadein11
    • holes in mainstream archaelogy/ancient historyfadein11
    • Really Robo*fadein11
    • i literally can't see the post-facto implied humour in your rants, no. More fool me, I guess.detritus
    • I'm sure niko's loling heartily along with you though.detritus
    • Yeah no set’s Funny, you can’t take him seriously._niko
    • It’s one thing to accept mainstream anything, and another to examine evidence from all sides and come to the conclusion that all things considered it’s right._niko
    • hope we all are having a good laugh! its essential to have a laugh and also debate this shit. Makes a healthy community and mindsetmugwart
    • thanks for sharing. this is great.since1979
    • I have no issue with challenging the established thought, it’s as set says what pushes us forward, but I’m not going to support every crackpot with a conspiracy_niko
    • Theory and a YouTube channel without entertaining their theory, looking into it for myself and drawing a conclusion. After all this is a business for them, the_niko
    • More outlandish the claim the bigger the controversy and the more views, subscribers and money. they have no accountability, no peer review no reputation on the_niko
    • Line, they can post whatever nonsense they want with no repercussions other than more views._niko
    • So if you guys want, let’s scrutinize his hypothesis critically and see if it holds up._niko
    • like seriously, here's the Sphinx of Hatshepsut from 1500 BC, does this look like a dog to anyone? set? https://www.metmuseu…_niko
    • Yeah fade agree, love Graham. Pretty caught up on his stuff, even Zacharia Sitchens mythical work on Annuakirobotron3k
    • Sitchens has so many holes - I always feel Hancock doesn't try to be controversial for the sake of it. And I love his embracement of psychedelics and therefadein11
    • importance in human history.fadein11
    • I stopped reading at 'arm chair archeologist'kona
    • This guy does some amazing digging with Google Earth, finds all kinds of interesting info.robotron3k
    • will watch laterfadein11
    • say what you want set, but when Niko said 'son level evidence' I laughed my ass off :)exador1
    • Set loves belittling people and making assumptions. All comments on this post were valid.fadein11
    • lol fadein.. kettle = black my friend. Kettle = black.set
    • too short.oey
    • made a lot of sense... good evidencenecromation
    • I think the evidence is probably stronger for it being a lion originally and pointing towards the constellation when it was built 12k years ago, or maybe 32kset
    • constellation of leo*set
    • The Anubis was a god, not a lion.robotron3k

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