The Great Flood scientific evidence thread

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • 30 Responses
  • detritus5

    I'm normally the first to leap on to set and his highly-irritating manner of lolguing whatever side best fits whichever flavour narrative he woke up with that morning, but the flood myth really is the worst one to attack him for. Especially when you end up with kangaroos... :)…

    'Most' of our modern EuroWestAsian-centric mythos comes from the middle East, wherein we have two major seas that are scientifically 'proven' to have been affected by some massive and sudden level rises within historical bounds plausibly connectable through written and spoken histories.

    Besides that, there is the further-back relationship with post-Ice Age sea level rises, which would have affected civilisations after those that built the pyramids, so feasibly with actors who woudl physically see the results of sea-level rises around their shorelines (half-submerged motes of civilisation, for instance, much like Alexandria in Egypt today).

    I don't really think any of this is in significant doubt — nor, to be fair, absolutely decided upon either.

    Set's problem is that he speaks in black and white terms without realising that he's not committing himself to the same alowance for vaguery that he denies his opposition. Also, sometimes, the opposite. And whatever way, with a completely undeserved insulting arrogance, which again doesn't really help dialogue.

    It's frustrating, we all know.

    • nice read, (that article) still at itGuyFawkes
    • and why dv this? det is making some sense up in this bitch!GuyFawkes
    • You might be interested in this too, then:…
    • The capacity and apparent coherence of Aboriginal oral history across such huge gulfs of time is fascinating.. and hope-inspiring for our own myriad of mythsdetritus
    • terms of how much 'useful' information we can glean from them.detritus
    • this shit amazes me thanks mateGuyFawkes
    • lol, upvoted.set
    • since you up-voted, i think its obvious whose doing the dv'ingGuyFawkes
    • I only irritate you because you know I'm right, and there's nothing more annoying than an arrogant cunt being right.set
    • you were right in the wrong debate, but no you don't irritate meGuyFawkes
    • Not talking to you.set
    • ok now im embarrassedGuyFawkes
    • You're the one in the wrong debate, Guy. At least 10 other people have chipped in with evidence of a vast flood, which is the discussion we're having.set
    • You're literally the only one arguing that the flood described in the bible literally cannot be true. Everyone else already agreed on that.set
    • everyone was agreeing on the facts that your posted, even I agree, but the debate is over "The Great Flood" not the ice age, comets, etcGuyFawkes
    • The Great Flood, being the flood that all ancient cultures tell stories of, including the bible. The one which evidence suggests it existed, you mean? That one?set
    • We're all in agreement that the Bible is full of shit, but the flood that it references was most likely a real flood...set
    • Which is the point of this thread, no?set
    • You're back tracking.set
    • you know what i'm talking about, but I will bow in shame with my ignorance and give you "the prize" because I need to workGuyFawkes
    • Such a cop out. This thread is fascinating... You suggested there is no evidence for a great flood, and plenty has been put forth.set
    • You can't pretend your 'bowing in shame' simply because you don't have time anymore. You were proven wrong... be graceful about it.set
    • you're... *set
    • LOL, you win already!
      •GuyFawkes Cries During Sucking Sets Dick
      Don't you work?! or Sleep?!
    • is this you on internet debates?…
    • Again, YOU WIN THE PRIZE!
      I was WRONG!
      I am STILL WRONG!
      I will ALWAYS BE WRONG!!
    • floldetritus
    • Don't I work or sleep lol, you've said that about 5 times, have you seen the size of your nonsense post in this thread?set
    • I can literally go on foreverset
    • you should be proud of yourselfGuyFawkes
    • Can you not tell that I am already?
    • even I am proud of youGuyFawkes

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