Your Gym Workout

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  • SteveJobs4

    Just hit 3 weeks yesterday. My mood and motivation have stabilized and I've seen quite a bit of improvement in my body - not as much as my impatient self would like - but realistically enough to push me easily through the next 9 weeks.

    I've tweaked a lot of things with my nutrition cutting out more sugar and have started intermittent fasting this week. That's been the toughest change by far esp with the cravings I get at night but it's not as bad as I thought it would be.

    I've learned the secret to a good workout (for me) is a proper warmup. Mostly light cardio, some stretching of the muscles I'll be working out, and a high rep set for each exercise. I've always avoided them because of impatience and trying to preserve my energy but a good warmup is invaluable for getting blood flowing and having more energy to attack your workout.

    • Stretching should be for AFTER your workout. You just need to warm up, besides stretching out your muscles weakens them so you could be hitting bigger weights.zarkonite
    • Eh, my pre-workout stretching isn't very thorough, not sure why I even mentioned it. But yeah I do them after for sure.SteveJobs

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