Aging Designers

Out of context: Reply #29

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  • shapesalad3

    I remember seeing an NHK doc a few years back about a old Japanese graphic designer. He'd retired but came back as he was bored or something.

    Anyway, he was working with a contemporary restaurant to create a mural on the wall. He'd done a few still life sketches of ingredients while at food market on his way to the restaurant.

    He arrives at the restaurant to paint it. A quick chat with the owner. Just one quick glance at his sketchbook, then with a calm confidence only a person in their 60's could muster he swipes boldly his paintbrush across the wall. No pre pencil sketch on the wall or projection or measuring, just straight too it. No looking back to his sketchbook. Just right into it. Zero hesitation.

    With confidence and boldness, he painted an amazing fish and other food illustrations. Really cool and contemporary illustration style.

    It stuck in my mind. I tried to find the show, but couldn't remember his name or the show's name.

    Anyway... that's how I want to age as a designer. When it comes to execution of the work, to have my entire career behind me, and to just calmly, confidently and boldly go to it.

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