Out of context: Reply #171

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  • shapesalad-1

    Why can't illustrator be like all other vector editing softwares whereby: you select an anchor point - press delete key, boom, point gone, the neighbouring points now joined. Ok, they give us a "Remove selected anchor point" button that I must have pressed 10000 times already....

    I can understand removing the anchor point and lines that joined to the neighbouring points - in some very very rare cases - might be what you want to do.

    But I think if they used some subscription money to ask a random 100 AI users they would quickly find out no one wants it to work as it currently does. Heuristic learning and all that...

    • AI breaks the concept of selection. That only the selected item is deleted. I didn't select the line, just the anchor point.shapesalad
    • the delete anchor point tool is what you are looking for.uan
    • Create a shortcut for 'remove selected anchor points'? But yeah, point taken.Nairn
    • ( fountain pen with the - )uan
    • That means you have to exact-click on each point though - why not drag around with lasso tool and then press a single key?Nairn
    • in that case I use command-J after deleting a bunch of pointsuan
    • ..which creates direct line connections, which is not what Shapesalad means (I assume) - rather, a gracious compromise line would be preferable.Nairn
    • path->simplify?uan
    • er.. no. A great tool, but not here.Nairn
    • basically you all suggest workflows that are broken concepts. the concept is: click > item selected > [delete key press] > item gone.shapesalad
    • you can select a piece of the path, between two points, press delete, only it's gone. the anchor points remain. but elect anchor point.. nope.. broken concept.shapesalad
    • I guarantee if you select a single point and hit delete, that point and only that point will immediately delete perfectly. Every time. As expected. For decadesmonospaced
    • Yes, that's what he's saying, Mono - it deletes the anchor point and the path in between. That is, sometimes often, a problem.Nairn
    • And yes, shape, it's clearly not ideal, as I said above. I have shift ctrl F2 set to 'add points' and shift ctrl F3 to 'remove selected points'. *shrug*Nairn
    • I really need to get around to fully remapping Caps Lock one day. That's an incredibly handy key, right there next to the other handy keys, doing fuck all.Nairn

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