Out of context: Reply #194

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  • oey1

    I don't know if some you remember a recent post of mine in the Blog thread about me being broke and clients abandoning the ship (LOL!) to the point I started to wonder if I changed to Affinity and whatever other options cause I could not afford to renew my Adobe CC subscription.


    I was lucky to get a gig where in three days work I was paid enough to renew my subscription, pay 500€ of rents, buy a new battery for my mac and also for my phone, get me some hash and buy a month of groceries.

    But somehow I'm still not convinced in renewing my subscription.

    I started to sweat with the idea not being able to do my work, personal and professional.

    Honestly I'm not that a pro (by choice) but I work with Adobe products for more than 20 years and I have a certain workflow.

    Maybe the Software I would miss most would be Bridge, yep I confess and despite finding some alternatives I find the way everything connects...I also use Font Explorer...is super easy and without flaws..at least in my case, and that's what I think what I would miss most.

    Nowadays I practically only use AI and PS, but I totally love when I have the chance to work with Indesign.

    So I could easily replace them for the level I work I do with Affinity products.

    But I would miss occasionally Premiere or Audition and recently AE, like each maybe 5 times a year.

    I believe that as a professional 420€ (in my case) a year are totally affordable and I just had a bit of bad luck combined with bad planning.

    But damn, I miss the chance to "buy" products by category.

    Like a package for graphic, or motion or web...
    I would totally pay for it.

    I mentioned 7 apps and I don't need Adobe Stock.
    I thinks it's really disappointing that only this Photography package exists.

    I haven't renew my sub and I'm still thinking what if I change, how bad could it be?

    I guess being used to it for over 20 years, having Adobe Certificates and a solid workflow really plays a big role in my decision and I'm lucky I don't have to pay 700€.

    I considered applying for the local College just to use the Ateliers/Workshops and get the Student discount.

    Does anyone of you quit and moved on?
    Do you miss Adobe?

    I remember Eskema using Affinity at the same time I was testing it was well.

    Sorry the long text but I needed to think out loud.

    And yes fuck Adobe but also not totally.
    It's difficult...

    Maybe if I land another good gig soon I buy Affinity and use it for my personal projects to get deeper into it and next year I will be able to make a decision based on experience.

    Thanks for reading!

    • I tried, been using a cracked version of CS6 for a while, but changed computer recently and didnt manage to reinstall a working copy.Bennn
    • So i tried different open source alternatives. To replace AE, AI, PS and ID ... everything i've found sucks, crash or have a steep learning curve.Bennn
    • So now im paying for the Photo plan wich include PS, Bridge and Lightroom, the 3 programs i use the most.Bennn
    • But now I miss AI, ID and AE ... using those rarely but when i need it... i'd need it. Not i dont know what to do to replace them.Bennn
    • Found Kdenlive to replace AE ... not sure if its good yet. Resolve keep crashing.Bennn
    • Scribus to replace ID, seems alright, havent really use it yet but seems like a good alternative.Bennn
    • oh yeah and Dreamweaver, i'm using it sometimes, found BlueGriffon, seems good but can't find my ways around it, would need some tutorials but im lazyBennn
    • and Inkscape to replace AI... havent really tested it yet, seems ok-ish but not sureBennn
    • hey Benn thanks for your feedback!
      I checked some articles recently, let me see if I can find the links
    • https://www.slrloung…oey
    • it's like me somehow, when I need certain apps I'm glad they're at hand and that they work. being able to import AI layers to AE for exampleoey
    • maybe it's possible with other programs but from Bridge it's like... I manage everything from there. And to sync color settings, etc...oey
    • Adobe Bridge is free! you don't need a paid subscription to use itGnash
    • the subscription is good for 2 computers. find someone to share it with --- like you and Benn!Gnash
    • there are also other freebies with adobe (along with Bridge); Adobe XD, all their mobile apps, 2 GBs of online storage... etcGnash
    • hey Gnash! I know, but is there a point to use Bridge apart from other apps? I also use XD that's true, I mean used it twice.oey
    • you think me and Benn would get along? ;-)oey
    • i've only ever used bridge in the adobe ecosystem so I'm not sure. But it must have a use for them to offer it free.Gnash
    • some info: https://prodesigntoo…Gnash
    • thanks Gnash!!! You gave me this nice idea, i just sent an Email to my 50 housemates asking if someone wants to share it.oey
    • it's only 208,50€/yearoey
    • find a student!Gnash
    • Moho Pro can cover most of the 2D animation you might do in AE. If you're doing people based explainer videos.shapesalad
    • find a student, lol
      "Looking for a student to share an Adobe monthly plan" yeeeeaaaahhhhh
    • if you want to replace lightroom for raw file edits > try Darktable https://www.darktabl… free it is!api
    • A month's worth of adobe CC is like the price of one hr freelancing manmekk
    • There's lots of Students here we'll see. They already have a one year top price and they mostly share with themselves.oey
    • I used to use Darktable actually and I liked it.oey
    • hey mekk I know that and I also think that 50€ for the money I get it's actually a okay deal.oey
    • but as i was in the limit I started to question certain things. and I know it's a bit irrelevant but I have a lot of stuff that's a hour of work ;-)oey
    • I also wrote that Adobe CC is totally affordable. please don't forget that I'm awareoey

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