
Out of context: Reply #117

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  • yuekit1

    The Tinder Pro (or whatever it's called) where you can change location and see who liked you is really worth it, especially if you have a job where you can travel.

    Possibly one of the best value for $ propositions of any app :D

    • Wouldn't it show people who liked you as you swipe anyways?
    • Sleeping with people all over the world?
    • Hmmm...yea I guess it might but this way you can see them immediately. Also when you do a boost it shows all the likes.yuekit
    • We want instant gratification & results. And yes it's nice premium feature if you're in a hurry and want get laid asap.NBQ00
    • But are the people who like you attractive?
    • Totally depends of course. Best way is to use the boost feature, that will give you an idea of your prospects in any given place.yuekit
    • yuekit doesn't care about what she looks. He just wants sex finally.NBQ00
    • lol...all I'm saying is it gives you more options. Just trying to be helpful here guys ;)yuekit

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