Proud dads...

Out of context: Reply #370

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  • pr2-8

    This happened to me a few days ago:

    My wife [bent over the bathroom sink, screaming]: i think the baby is coming!
    Me [looking between her legs and praying that it isn't true]: no, just some mucus
    I call my brother to come downstairs as we are ready to go to the hospital. He shows up a minute later.
    My wife [screaming]: the baby, it's coming!
    Me [with a look towards God to keep the baby inside until we reach the hospital]: the head is out! Push!
    The water breaks as i'm crouching between her legs.
    Me [to my brother]: call the ambulance!
    Me [to my wife as the baby's face starts turning blue]: Push!
    Another gallon of water comes out soaking my pants completely; baby's shoulder appear too.
    Another push and the rest of the baby comes out into my hands. He cries for a moment then stops freaking me out. Is he breathing? Why didn't i waste away my life watching those shit medical TV shows so i could know what to do! 9 months of pregnancy and this child will be lost now? What did they do during the hospital birth of my 1st child? I flip the child upside down tapping his back. Nothing. I insert my finder in his throat. Maybe i see breathing. The baby isn't too blue anymore. What's too blue? My wife, still facing towards the sink, screams to pull the cord with placenta out (future tip: do NOT do it!). The bathroom floor looks as if someone threw a grande into a box of kittens - covered in blood and amniotic fluid - so with support of my brother we move to the bedroom (my 3 year old with babysitter is watching TV in the living room seemingly oblivious to drama). My brother keeps his cool talking to the emergency services which angers me - his calm voice might not present seriousness of this situation. I hear them repeating questions about the address and i start screaming back the answer - i still don't know if the baby is breathing, i need them here ASAP! In the bedroom my wife still standing screams again to pull the cord out. Holding the baby i tug on it - it isn't moving, stuck in there for good. First thing first, lets save the baby! This moment the doula arrives, "the baby is fine" is calls out calmly the moment she enters the room. Moments later the ambulance arrives. We wrap the baby in blankets on mama's chest and wheel her out to the ambulance and head to the hospital...

    I started taking 35mm pics the moment everything stabilized in the hospital only to discover to my horror on day 3 that the camera is empty. So here is roll "2":

    • DUDE!
      All the feelz for your wife, you and the little one.
    • Your wife is a hero. That is so incredible.monospaced
    • just slightly eventful huh? and I though both my children's emergency c-sections were scary and hectic... this is a made for TV story. Congrats, prayers forslinky
    • all of your fam.slinky
    • oh man, this was intense! :) in the end its all good. when my first one came, it was so cold outside that exactly on that day my car battery stopped working...api
    • thanks to car2go we made it in time to the hospital.api
    • & congratulations to you and your family!api
    • I would probably pass out right there in the bathroom.
    • Holy shit! Way to pull through!err
    • Congratulations! That was intense even to read.fisheye
    • zaq, i'm pretty sure everyone would step up to the occasion - you kinda don't have a choice.pr2
    • Why is this downvoted?monospaced
    • Lots of 5 year old on the board who don't like to read??pr2
    • Holy fuck thats scary! Our second one is due imminently. We had a day to spare between waters breaking and baby coming. But got to hospital about 20 mins...microkorg
    • ... before it came. I'm hoping the new one come nice on time like the first and doesnt do a grand dramatic entrance to the world like your new one! lol.microkorg
    • I need to remember to take my camera this time ... and make sure the battery is charged and there's an SD card in there ;)microkorg
    • My second son was born breached and wasn't breathing, CODEBLUE was yelled out NICU team rushed in and got him breathing. It was the scariest few mins of my lifefooler
    • fooler, that's what was my fear that the baby will never start breathing.pr2

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