Politically Correct OTD

Out of context: Reply #77

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  • Nairn0

    He cherry picked voxpopping idiot spineless ingenues on campus who'd say 'yes' to anything if they figured it'd skirt offending anyone.

    if he interviewed non-white students on campus who'd agreed with it, I might've believed it, but flip flopping between children, black people off campus and a member of the KKK looks certain to only derive one very predictable sets of answers.

    • can't believe you'd think he's trying to reinforce his bias - did you not hear that plinky plonky ukelele soundtrack?Fax_Benson
    • apropos of nothing, what do you think about this? Don't get it wrong and offend someone, you're being filmed.Fax_Benson
    • Not to pick a fight Nairn, really, but seems like you're missing the point? He did cherry pick those idiots. That's the point, no?set
    • He managed to get these idiots to agree to blatantly racist ideas while having them think they were being PC. It's rather brilliant...set
    • I suspect yourself and the interviewer are imposing a 'point' - be it leftistism or political correctness or whatever - when all i see is ignorant 'politeness'Nairn
    • I think this sort of thing is the flipside of twittersphere snowflake outrage onanism - targetted selective content meant for one purpose only.Nairn
    • I don't see this as trying to push anything other than a bit of humour at how retarded some of these new humans PC are..set
    • "plinky plonky ukelele" ftwGnash
    • If it wasn't pushing a point, it would've included interviews with people other than confrontation-avoidi... middle class girls.Nairn
    • Yea it's pushing a point that people are stupid and can be manipulated in to agreeing with anything. It's a big lolziesset

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