
Out of context: Reply #31

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  • 92 Responses
  • set-11

    This right here reminds me that I literally may as well be talking to a mentally retarded golden retriever. I'm done.

    • You take the piss out of flat earthers but a lot of you here are the people that scoffed at the earth being round all those years ago. Haha, couldn't make it upset
    • I don't think the earth is round, but hey who am I to say for sure what we're on. I haven't seen it.set
    • but you're so sure of yourselves aren't you. Just like the people in the dark ages that were sure the earth was flat, haha. I'm seriously done.set
    • Ta for the gigglesset
    • that's probably one person. the thread itself seems to have been fairly useful for a few of us.Fax_Benson
    • I apologise for my expletives. It's hard not to show the sadness and disappointment I have in humanity. I am sorry for not being able to better communicate.set
    • I don't think the earth is flat* LOLset
    • What are we arguing about here? Is it that 5g has some possible health risks, or that it's a plot by sentient asteroids to kill us all?yuekit
    • You're just casually mentioning these theories about alternate dimensions and energy vibrations like it's the most obvious thing in the world. What reactionyuekit
    • did you expect exactly set? :)yuekit

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