
Out of context: Reply #33

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  • _niko0

    From reading that wired article above, I’m all against it.

    Not because of potential health risks which may or may not be true, we just don’t know yet.

    My objection is to the massive infrastructure needed. They need to build towers or receiving stations every 500 meters apart for this to work???? Wtf???

    The cost is going to be astronomical and that’ll get passed down to us. Paying up the ass for technology we didn’t ask for and don’t need.

    4g and even 3G is more than enough power for what 99.9999% of the population use their cel phones for.
    Facebook, Instagram, porn hub and set psb battles.

    • But maybe if it helps the internet of things live up to its long promised potential and smart cities finally become a thing it’ll be worth it_niko
    • I do wonder if this IOT stuff is overhyped. Similar to blockchain, the real-world applications that are actually useful may be more limited than people areyuekit
    • imagining. How necessary is it to have every appliance in your house connected to a network for instance?yuekit
    • Invaluable to corporations but for us it’ll makes us lazier and dumber._niko
    • imagine the irony of the 5G enabled IOT gathering data to solve the riddle of cancer and determining the biggest risk is 5G lol_niko
    • but if this can make our streets safer help prevent crime and let our kids play freely anywhere by themselves I'm all for it._niko
    • Think of future use. These arguments that "current tech is good enough" are always wrong. Same has been said many times in the past...zarkonite

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