
Out of context: Reply #127

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  • NBQ000

    I don't think this speaks for everybody as his success rate is quite low (he did swipe left on a lot though) but it's quite telling anyway.

    "Nearly 4 years of Tinder data as a Male"

    • Thats a lot of swipingdrgs
    • Yup, Tinder (and other dating services) don't want you to ever find the right match but keep swiping, keep swiping. Endless game.NBQ00
    • 4 meetings from 110 matches is sad.
    • Indeed but that's how it is on Tinder. Matches don't automatically mean = meetings. A lot of women just do it for ego and have many other options.NBQ00
    • expectations.sted
    • 2 relationships in 4 years is not bad at all!grafician
    • Unless they lasted only few weeksNBQ00
    • i worry about men who speak so certainly about the behavior and intentions of women.imbecile
    • should have tried Okcupid instead....shapesalad

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