
Out of context: Reply #134

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  • PonyBoy0

    Just over 2 months ago I lost an airpod while out shopping. I was actually secretly excited at the loss as they weren't the latest generation (no wireless charging).

    I found a deal online where I'd save $20 @ a local Walmart (instead of $199 they were $179)... the pods would be ready for pickup within an hour (w/out waiting in line etc) so I bought them and jumped right in the car and headed over.

    When I got there it turns out I arrived too early, that the order hadn't appeared in the system yet. I showed the kid my order on my phone, he looked it up online... there it was. The kid told me to hang tight and ran and grabbed me my airpods... and I was off.

    About a month into owning my new airpods it was travel time... lots of airplanes, cabs, public transportation and family car rides in the future. Of course only a day into our trip I manage to lose the entire airpod set (they were in the charger... I lost the charger).

    ***QBN PSA*** //BEGIN
    Don't buy these fucking things... they're immensely overpriced and far too easy to lose.
    ***QBN PSA*** //END

    Our trip consisted of staying in a few different cities. Our first city (on day one) was Las Vegas where my brother happens to live. My brother picked us up from our hotel (in his car) and we headed to get a quick lunch before driving back to his place to grab his luggage and then have an UBER pick us all up and take us to the airport to catch another plane to another city. This all occurred over 2 hours... somewhere in that 2 hours I lost the airpods. I was POSITIVE it was in the UBER ride to the airport.

    So... it's been a month since I lost the airpods. I hadn't given them a second thought until about a week ago I can email from Walmart telling me I hadn't picked up my online purchase yet (my airpods). *giggle... uh... yes I did. The email also informed that I had been issued a full refund. *giggle... really?! I checked my bank account and there it was.

    Then... not even 24 hours go by and I get a text w/a picture from my brother:

    hehe... my brother FedExed them to me... they're literally in my ears as I type this story to you. The money is back in my account...

    ... should I feel guilty?

    • We just had a similar experience. We didn't pay for our last month of our sons day care. We called and emailed to let them know. They aren't getting back to us.lemmy_k
    • We tried one last time, but they aren't returning our calls. I'm not going to chase them down and force money on them. At least try to correct the mistake,lemmy_k
    • It's not worth the bad Karma.lemmy_k
    • Don't feel bad, its Walmart. fuck em, run by evil familydee-dubs
    • I found a set of AirPods, in their charger, just sitting at the airport. I tried to return them but the airport wouldn’t take them. I waited 2 hours. Kept them.monospaced

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