America is Fucked

Out of context: Reply #44

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  • kingsteven2

    If a patient arrived at an incredibly over capacity ER in the US with a lower respiratory condition, only 1 in 10 patients can receive treatment. Would the triage be on the basis of their ability to pay the $250k medical bills for a month long stay in ICU hooked up to a respirator? or their potential receptiveness to treatment?

    I wonder because the US can do specialist treatments pretty much better than anywhere else on earth, but the idea of hospitals in the US working at 10x capacity just doesn't strike me as a realistic proposition unless it was 10 doctors working round the clock on one incredibly wealthy patient...

    The one story that got me spooked about how things might turn out was early on in the outbreak when 25 out of the first 55 deaths in the US were from that one day care facility in Seattle. The families were reporting that the hospitals wouldn't even take in patients from the facility, some took their parents out and quarantined them at home while the ones that got severely ill were just drugged up and sent on their way.

    I hope I'm wrong but it's so fucking retarded whats going on that I got thinking: maybe it's not entirely a financial decision to send people back to work? but a decision based on potentially coming last in the game of deaths?

    Maybe Trump's advisers realised the US healthcare system can't mobilise its workers like China and Italy (and pretty much every other country in the world). Like someone has told him the difference between the steepness of the curve you could expect with stricter distancing measures at this point will make for a fairly negligible difference in deaths over the next 3 months when you can only actually treat 1 in 10... and Donnie's pulled the old "this game is stoopid! you guys are stoopid! i'm going home!"

    • Rumors that ill people are turned away in the USA is incorrect. Hospitals here never turn them away, and we do have free Medicaid, housing, etc for the poor.robotron3k
    • I didn't suggest they would be turned away robo. doctors have an oath to protect after all. but as in italy there are limited resources. who gets them?kingsteven
    • oh in the life care centre cases? i definitely read that many died awaiting transfer to hospital. i cant believe numbers are still going up.kingsteven
    • https://www.telegrap…robotron3k
    • Article states, "Prof Ricciardi added that Italy’s death rate may also appear high because of how doctors record fatalities."robotron3k
    • In China many were turned away and as much preferred to die at home than makeshift hospital... Not really sure u have a pointdeathboy
    • US got a capitalistic healthcare system where most other countries got a universal/free healthcare. So yeah its not in any way ideal in this situationNutter
    • robo, i'm saying even with italy recording fatalities the US may be far higher + db that's going to happen everywhere with the elderly in the US is it the poor?kingsteven

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