Quarantine of the Day

Out of context: Reply #121

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  • mg334

    I've been trying to do more positive thinking, which is getting easier as long as I stay off news sites and such. I'm trying to stay narrowly focused on small things and small actions, hoping that others in my community are doing the same. Thinking about this as tens of thousands of microcosms of action and precaution that, if successful, are scalable from my home, to my street, to my neighborhood, to my wider local community, to my entire town, and onward.

    NYC and the disaster there is a long way from the Chicago suburbs. I need to stay on top of the news but there's nothing I can do that helps NYC, or other areas beyond my immediate one. So, I can double-down on doing exactly what is needed just as I described above. I think a certain degree of tunnel vision is needed right now; obviously we can't deny the crisis growing everywhere, but we can attempt to stay sane by being narrowly focused on our own situation and how it scales around us, especially when others are being as diligent about their own safety and health.

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