
Out of context: Reply #70810

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  • shellie15

    A very good friend of mine passed away on Thursday and was found at his home on Saturday of suicide. Another distant friend died a week ago from an overdose. I can't stress this enough, but please check on your friends that may be struggling with depression through all of this. I just spoke to my homie Chris before the lockdown and we were going to hang out. After the lockdown I never checked in but just assumed I'd see him on the other side. Work loss, money, and isolation was too much for him. I wish I could have called him when he crossed my mind. It may not have changed anything, but now I will never know. :'(

    • Oh fuck, I'm sorry to hear that, Shellie.Nairn
    • bummer, that's properly grim.hans_glib
    • Fucking hell, Shellz, I'm so sorry.Continuity
    • jesus, so sorry to hear that and a real wakeup call for the rest of us to reach to friends and loved ones out and keep our humanity_niko
    • Tragic. Sorry for your losses.monospaced
    • Fuck! Sorry to hear. Hope you're not harbouring any guilt for not getting in touch? That'll eat you up. Hope you're okay.Ianbolton
    • I’ve been thinking about this for a couple weeks now. Stats say we need to be more aware of our older relatives and associates, as they are at a higher risk.imbecile
    • https://www.tandfonl…imbecile
    • I panic called so many people yesterday, throwing out some lines to make sure people I live know I'm here for them.shellie
    • great reminder. Sorry for your loss : (dbloc
    • That's tough. Don't blame yourself. I know from experience that even when you reach and out and help people... you can't always save them from this.nb
    • sorry to hear, shellie :(Bennn
    • Ugh, so sorry to hear. Been trying to reach out to friends, esp one I thought might have a hard time. This is a reminder to double down on it.mandomafioso
    • fucking awful, sorry to hear, lots of love xfadein11
    • Dang, shellie. Sorry to hear. Know that the guilt you feel is a normal reaction but forgive yourself. Your friends pain was beyond your reachGnash
    • I'm so sorry to hear this, Shellie. It's not your fault but I know the guilt still sticks around. Be kind to yourself.Melanie
    • you're a good friend shellie!hotroddy
    • :(pango
    • crap:/uan
    • Thats terrible, so sorry Shellie.instrmntl
    • :(Krassy
    • Sorry to hear that Shellie, I hope that you don't blame yourself. Most people I've known who committed suicide had it planned out, even when they seemed fine.PhanLo
    • Sorry to hear. My only brother is a schizophrenic and he’s having a pretty rough one coping with this..maquito
    • As well as my parents, who live with/for him. I hope this shit could end sooner enough to bring peace also for these “different” cases of death by covid19.maquito
    • Sorry to hear.NBQ00

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