USA to UK relocation guide

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  • monoboy2

    Welcome to Blighty (UK).

    When you cross the border to the nice part – Scotland, be prepared to adjust your ear to the accent. It'll feel like a different language at first. As do other parts of England.

    They actually speak a different language in North Wales (Welsh) and remote parts of Scotland (Gaelic).

    Top tip, don't mix us up. We all hate each other. Calling a Scotsman English is like calling them a peado. Unless they're unionist ultras.

    Which brings me nicely on to sectarianism. Avoid mentioning Irish heritage to anyone in Glasgow or Belfast. It's not worth it.

    The number one universal thing you must learn is pub etiquette. Buying rounds is how we do it. Everyone in the social group must buy a round of drinks. Even if there's 20 of you. You will then have to drink 20 drinks of high strength alcohol in one evening.

    Stopping to vomit, fight, or to knob some tart (lady of loose morals) in the bogs (toilet) is perfectly acceptable. Just get tested afterwards.

    Lastly, we think we're the most important, most advanced country in the western world. But nothing works.

    • Oh, and the school you went to as a child dictates your social status and job prospects entirely. Ability isn't a factor at all.monoboy
    • And bring some of that orange powdered stuff from Texas you put on BBQ meats. It's witchcraft.monoboy
    • what is it about the scots and orange chemicals?hans_glib
    • An American Werewolf in London wasn't fiction btw.monoboy
    • I'm afraid I have but the one upvote.Nairn
    • In LDN you can strategically buy rounds, missing out outliers and uninvolveds. It's not correct, of course, but Southerners can be totally tight shit smears.Nairn
    • In general, the farther north you go, the harder the accents are, at least for this bloody Yank.CyBrainX
    • hmmm, south western and Brummie accents can be quite thick. The UK is a heavily regionalised place (as Kingsteven mentioned above)Nairn
    • you can have accents that are entirely different across a mere few tens of miles - between Manchester/Liverpool it gets really crazyNairn

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