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  • face_melter4

    The long-awaited PC port of Horizon Zero Dawn is pure fucking rickety garbage held together with seagull shit and pubic hair.

    It plays absolute merry fucking havoc with your GPU - it actually managed to destroy Firefox *and* the Adobe Creative Cloud do-dah that runs in the System Tray; which was a new one for me - like, in all my years using computers I have never seen that one before or even anything approaching it. Outstanding!

    So it starts with numerous crashes on startup while it compiles the shaders. Ok, other games do that - saves time in the long run compiling during the game itself. Cool. No problemo. Wait! No! The game then decides to throw bizarre CPU / GPU bottlenecks that can't be immediately diagnosed unless you are actually a computer yourself and can speak in binary. Even then the resulting answer would be just a long fart noise and a crude drawing of a dog's penis. Graphical options that appear to make no discernable difference to the image quality other than you can make the grass nicer while tanking the framrate into the low 30's? Not forgetting framepacing issues all over the fucking shop that turn the characters into a cross between Max Headroom and Bill and Ben on Mogadon.

    Holy Christ. Just... a monumental piece of digital fuckery. My PC is a few years old, but it has a workhorse i7 and a 1070 - waaaaaaay more than the original PS4 game was designed to run on and enough for the basic operating specs, yet it just shits the bed with enough shit to fill a kingsize inflatable matress.

    Death Stranding, which uses a revised version of the same engine, can run on a fucking clockwork potato and Guerilla are no slouches when it comes to pulling performance from lowly hardware.

    Just avoid it. Watch the recent Digital Foundry video to see some of the things I am talking about, but with less swearing and in a polite German accent.

    • haha that was a fun read. Sucks on your end tho.dopepope
    • haha, a wonderful read!Nairn
    • Fucking ace game though if you ever get it to workscarabin
    • "if you ever get it to work" ahhasted
    • Well i played through it on ps4 pro so didn’t have any issues. The DLC is fun, tooscarabin
    • I got it to run without crashing every four goddam minutes and spedrun through the goblin intro and made a save. Fuck knows how though. Magic?face_melter
    • I played it on the PS4 so I was looking forward to revisiting it, especially the late game. But the frame stuttering is jank. Primo gold jank from QVC.face_melter
    • i'm going to try this on my 2y old i7 with 2x1080 8g, me hopes that it's going to crash af :Dsted
    • The crashes are amazing, you might be in for some extra-special fun with 2 GPU's :Dface_melter
    • It will be patched I hopeernexbcn
    • This, sadly, is the case of many games that arrived on console first. RDR2 wasn't this bad, but there were tons of glitches on release.section_014
    • Best game review I’ve ever read. PlusonenoRGB
    • It has some really annoying features like: loads "shaders" for 15 mins. constant stuttering/jitter during the cutscenes (wtf its just playing a movie or not? )sted
    • and when u enter some big fight at an area with lots of details fps drops down sometimes to 10!%. sheet i looks nice, but I lost my patience after an hour.sted
    • i'm going wait for that patchsted
    • I did some checking and if you use the SpecialK limiter tool it reduces the stutter - not completely. The shaders thing is part of DX12 / Vulkan.face_melter
    • It compiles them before the game loads so it doesn't do it during gameplay and cause problems, especially for open workd titles where everything streams in.face_melter

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