The Healthy Thread

Out of context: Reply #532

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  • srhadden1

    I started out by reading and applying the teachings of a low-carb book (The Food Hourglass) (great book, changed my life) and getting immediate results. Than I reached a plateau circa 5kg above my ideal weight. I slacked off and dragged those 5 kg around on my belly for a couple of years. I kept drinking alcohol quite regularly and cheated on carbs a lot. But I could always reach the plateau again by cutting carbs for a while.

    Now I progressed to healhy KETO + intermittent fasting.
    I do 20:4 or OMAD during the week, relaxing it to 18:6 or 16:8 on weekends .. once in a while I have treat day (parties, hanging with friends.. )

    Once a month I'm doing a 48h fast. Every couple of months I'll do an even longer fast. Just because of the health benefits, not for losing weight. Longer fasts are the only true detox.

    A couple of times a week I do some light exercise before I break my fast (an hour of light cycling mostly, sometimes swimming ) I'm planning on adding a bit of calisthenics, only to get some muscle tone without spending money.

    Once you get adjusted 20:4 is easypeasy, as is OMAD. I try to finish eating by 4 or 5 pm so my bloodsugar is normal by the time I go to bed, so I sleep like a rose now. I didn't really have sleeping problems, but I did used to wake up with a foggy brain or even get out of bed tired, even though I just slept for 8 hours. Probably because my body was busy digesting all night long from late night drinks and snacks. Once you put anything in your mouth, your body needs 8 or 9 hours to regulate bloodsugar to normal levels. That's a loooong ass time your body can't recuperate because it's busy digesting. Think about that before you snack or drink or booze in the evenings. I wake up completely sharp now and feel great.

    I will still drink alcohol when I'm friends.

    sugar cravings have stopped after a week or so.

    of all the channels on YouTube dedicated to this, I found Dr. Sten Ekberg's to be the most accurately explain the science behind it all. It's a treasure trove of information, and actually fits lock and key with the food hourglass.…

    This one on carb reduction is also very informative…

    and this is one is also very enjoyable and full of info…

    The dude has a nice keto recipe channel also…

    I like this guy also. He really knows every effin molecule in your body I think (which is a bit much for me and my personal goals) Still, you're gonna learn for him also.…

    To top it off, this girl also has a great channel about all things KETO + IF…

    the more you get yourself informed on all this, the better you'll understand how your body works, and you'll also get better at spotting video's on YouTube that are just trying to jump on the trend.

    I use an app to track my fasts and eating windows, very handy. It comes with water intake tracking, weight tracking etc

    Because I haven't been doing it for that long I also use a nutrition app to calculate my calories and percentages of fats, carbs and protein in my diet. I 'm sure after a while you can more or less just wing it when you're cooking and not obsess about the perfect percentage ratio or the amount of calories. For now it's just fun for me to log everything and see what I'm actually stuffing in my body.

    On top of all of this I'm a vegetarian, so it's a bit different for me because I don't have access to protein and fats from meat or fish, so that's where the nutrition app comes in handy also.

    Anyway, it works great for me. I feel great, lost all the weight I wanted, I'm mentally sharp, I have plenty more free time because I don't have to spend it preparing and eating food (and cleaning), I don't feel hungry at all, I'm not constantly tempted by snacks...

    The only thing that makes it a bit hard is the social setting, where everybody thinks you're weird for not constantly eating. So I don't really talk about it.

    Well, there you go, check it out, learn from the pro's, get carbcutting and fasting. If you're at all struggling with weight, health, it'll change your life.

    • there's no such thing as a "detox"inteliboy
    • Autophagy is detoxsrhadden
    • There is such a thing as a cunt that sifts through a page of text looking for any semblance of a shred to criticize thoughsrhadden
    • Detoxing and cult diets are pseudo-science. Weight loss is not intrinsically linked to health.
      Live your truth.
    • LOL @ Keto and OmadContinuity
    • @palimpsest: well, it kind of is. If you're morbidly obese, weight loss is kind of an urgent to-do.
      Otherwise, fat loss is more important than weight loss.
    • "Weight loss is not intrinsically linked to health."
      Read it again, slowly.

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