things QBN members never say

Out of context: Reply #89

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  • face_melter20

    Why yes, that is one of my numerous alt accounts I am conversing with in a normal and regular fashion in an attempt to alter the course of the discussion towards a beastly and somewhat inbred form of rancid libertarian authoritarianism or, in some cases, thinly-veiled racial dog whistles and ignorant remarks towards other minority groups.

    Furthermore, I take great offense at the idea that creating multiple alt accounts on a fringe design-adjacent messageboard with an active and aging membership reaching into stratospheric heights of the 10's or 20's is a sign of mental instability relating to a need for attention and promoting childish fuckery that no-one, not even their own mother, would find amusing.

    • lolBluejam
    • "libertarian authoritarianism or, ... thinly-veiled racial dog whistle"
      That's a hell of an oxymoron & tautology combo.
    • hahafadein11
    • hahaha.ben_
    • Heavy lels into the sky.PhanLo
    • haha, quite. Imagine the shame if our mothers were mods.Fax_Benson
    • lol, we prob have libertarian lurkers that will read this as they sharpen their knives and stare at your name writ in lipstick on the bathroom mirror.garbage
    • *additional shameFax_Benson
    • this post melted my faceKrassy
    • JazX has brain worms.mathinc
    • JazX has been gone a good 15 years. He was the master of FMT which was one of the best things QBN ever had.CyBrainX

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