
Out of context: Reply #4385

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  • pr2-13

    Do i have to be the asshole again to explain what this data means, or are people smart enough here to understand the data?

    • basically, until we develop the test that shows who is ACTUALLY sick and not only who had the virus, the spike in cases means absolutely nothing.pr2
    • places that were hit hard at the beginning, developed immunity.pr2
    • As someone who is married to someone on the front line, I can assure you it has more to do with advances made in saving lives and treating COVID than anything.monospaced
    • Herd immunity doesn't exist in New York. Do I have to be an asshole or are you smart enough to comprehend this?monospaced
    • as usual, pr2's social skills are not the bestGuyFawkes
    • What that data shows is that we're now testing a lot more than we were in April.BaskerviIle
    • Likely the actual case numbers in April were far higher than 10,000 hence the high death rate. December's numbers are probably more accurateBaskerviIle
    • Plus as mono says, we're far better at treating things now than back in AprilBaskerviIle
    • lololol at pr2 with the condescending snark and then shows his ignorance by jumping to the conclusion that this is because of "developed immunity"nb
    • Like Sweden developed herd immunity so well that they went into forced lockdown eventually lol_niko
    • *add to feedpalimpsest
    • mono, we don't threat people better then in April. (i've done a number of filming around the issue where we spoke to the docs on both side of the "barricade")pr2
    • mono, heard immunity ABSOLUTELY exist in NYC because maybe as much as 40-50% of people had it already here already (not EXACTLY heard immunity but close).pr2
    • Bask, though indeed it is true that we test more. We also get way more positives where only 1 in 10 is ACTUAL case...pr2
    • ...while the other 9 show that they had virus already (it stays in your body up to 2-3 months).pr2
    • niko, death rates in Sweden are EXACTLY the same as the countries that went into strict lock down early on. There is no point to lol over hard data.pr2
    • np, clearly you are not a scientist nor have you ever read a science paper so like lol at your own ignorance.pr2
    • nbpr2
    • Please describe how the jpg you posted proves herd immunity. Also can you dumb it down for us idiots thanks we appreciate it sirnb
    • @pr2 What you don't seem to understand is that it's not a binary positive/negative = death/fine. This virus causes all kinds of after effectsBaskerviIle
    • The point isn't cases vs deaths. It's the overall, long term health of the population. Think of deaths as the extreme end of a spectrum of severity of illness.BaskerviIle
    • If you're not worried by the numbers in the you either don't understand or you're not concern with the welfare of your fellow citizens. I sense it's both.BaskerviIle
    • Either way there is no downside to taking it seriously, and a great deal of downsides if you're wrong. So err on the side of caution for the sake of everyone.BaskerviIle
    • Basker, you ARE speculating now. While long-term effects might or might not be serious, long-term effects on those who can't get medical care...pr2
    • ...psychological effects and lack of education (remote learning is a joke) ARE serious.pr2
    • I'm not speculating, I know people with long covid who are still not recovered. I hear this from my doctor friends who see it first hand.BaskerviIle
    • Once again, it's not an either/or situation. Solving mental health issues from a lockdown still doesn't deal with the virus...then you just end up with bothBaskerviIle
    • It's possible to have mental health effects from isolation AND covid once you reemerge. It's shades of grey no a binary choice.BaskerviIle
    • We need to adapt, not expect everything to return to normal. That includes creating better remote learning solutions. As designers we should be addressing this.BaskerviIle
    • Basker, you are too optimistic about power of technology. After the initial lockdown, seeing my 5 year old desperate for human contact made me rethink my fear.pr2
    • Thankfully working in the media i rejected the media and instead hit the science papers that don't support your friend's views (nor my initial fear).pr2
    • Yes we DO treat people better now than in April. My wife works at Northwell. My best friends are front line at NYU. They know. You don’t.monospaced
    • I heard the CEO of Northwell say yesterday, LIVE, that the reason death is down is entirely because if improvements in treatment. Nothing else.monospaced
    • No herd immunity exists according to every expert asked. And you are NOT one of them. Never will be regardless of how much you filmed there.monospaced
    • In conclusion you’re still flat out wrong.monospaced
    • On top of everything else, why do you expect there to be a correlation between the number of cases and number of deaths reported on a given day?yuekit
    • and I thought I was dumbXanderCage
    • Lol @ a filmmaker telling me I'm not a scientistnb
    • wanna see my video?…
    • pr2 vs mono:
    • Mono, in a span of a few days i've done two interviews, one with the covid front line doctor and one with epidemiologist who cares about data...pr2
    • ...their conclusions were VASTLY different. The doctor is too close to the issue (like fish in water who will never understand water) to know the true scope.pr2
    • Also, next time you might want to pick different source than a CEO of a company as they are hired to spew the BS you want to hear.pr2
    • "Some" advances in treatments doesn't account for the 8 fold drop in mortality.pr2
    • nb, that shall tell you how low you've fallen when EVEN a filmmaker tells you how little you know about science.pr2
    • You don’t know even know my name and you presume to know my education, qualifications. LOLOL you must be a brilliant documentarian. ;)nb
    • Again, there is nothing in your screenshot data that even suggests a cause, yet you stormed in here expecting us to read your mind and agree!nb
    • pr2, I've talked to waaaay more front line doctors than you, then. TWO? I've talked to dozens and dozens, from NYU, Columbia and Northwell. You're wrong.monospaced
    • And if you talked to two, and their views were different, you're literally saying ONE doctor told you this. What a joke. I actually don't believe you.monospaced
    • YOu do realize the CEO of Northwell is head of the front line for coronavirus right?monospaced
    • Mono, are you working on some documentary related to Covid, or is talking to dozens of doctors your hobby? No ability to READ science papers?pr2

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