Social Media Discussion

Out of context: Reply #23

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  • mort_17

    I have a friend who, unlike me, doesn’t think Trump did a bad job, is strongly anti-vaccine, thinks spinach can cure cancer and supports every conspiracy theory going. He’s a good person. But for whatever reasons, that’s his leaning.

    When I used to have a Facebook account, I felt the need to push back on his posts and opinions, especially when they got a tonne of likes and responses. I generally tried not to get involved but was triggered enough to avoid him in real life.

    Since not having a Facebook account (a few years now), we meet up, speak on the phone and I enjoy his company. These things come up sometimes but it’s a much more nuanced discussion and I tend to respond more compassionately. I also steer the conversation more towards topics where we have common interest. Music, movies etc.

    My point is, social media, forums, instant messaging, news feed algorithms, etc. set us up for polarisation. We have huge capacity for empathy, understanding and connectedness but these platforms, often take us in the opposite direction.

    For me, largely avoiding them works.

    • Agreed. I don’t mind the platforms themselves as much as the algorithms that trap people in feed tunnels w/o their real understanding that tunnel is a sewerinstrmntl
    • Nice analogy. I think there's also a more basic issue of not being able to convey nuance with text on a screen. Emojis are a poor substitute for body language.mort_
    • So much is communicated non-verbally in person.mort_
    • good point mort!renderedred
    • I'm worried that my friends still believe that Trump said to drink bleach to fight the corona virus and other hoaxes. This is not good.stewart
    • He suggested injecting it, right?

    • My neighbor said “no matter how it works out, I hope it’s for the better.”jtb26
    • Amen @mort_. No one talks about the weather on social(s).

      It's all polarizing like you said, especially now in 2021.
    • @stewart, why? Those people are mocking the shit response, science denial and utter stupidity of the president. They aren't the problem.monospaced
    • Completely agree. Thanks for being smart, sane, and compassionate in an online world that's rarely any of those things.MondoMorphic
    • This is correct but at some point you got to judge someone's intelligence if they believe whatever graphic comes across their screen but despise the NY Times.omahadesigns
    • That’s why it is frustrating to see so much “social media news” on here. The purveyors just say it’s because QBN needs more content.toemaas
    • Public officials shouldn't be on social media at all. They've got official channels.neverscared
    • I have a few very far right friends. I like them, despise some of their beliefs. Hope they can see a better way somehow.noRGB

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