
Out of context: Reply #4492

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  • ideaist-4

    Found this insightful and clear, albeit a bit of a "downer", perhaps:

    Smart dude AND his smart wife:…

    Knowledge is power.

    : )

    • Sinister eye brows though, eh?ideaist
    • C H Y N N A L A Butopian
    • I don't know how accurate any of this is. Weinstein says 90% chance it escaped from lab...based on what? I like Bill Maher but he has a history of dabbling inyuekit
    • pseudoscience from time to time.yuekit
    • Weinstein says diseases can jump from animals to humans but human to human transmission is suspicious...where does he think SARS 1, MERS, Ebola, H1N1 came from?yuekit
    • These are valid questions; i think it's just another perspective on things from 2 well educated folks.ideaist
    • smart guys BUT covids was found in blood samples in the US in Oct, and in Italy around the same time.pr2
    • and oh my God, the interviewer is a moron of comic proportions.pr2
    • Well you know, it could have leaked from a lab slightly earlier. Or even a lab in the USA, which I'm sure China would like to believe :)yuekit
    • https://www.thedaily…mort_
    • Weinstein is a IDW hack. https://www.nature.c…garbage
    • Virus leaking from a lab is definitely not impossible, it's happened before. But you gotta ask why he feels the need to go into misleading stuff like pretendingyuekit
    • Tough crowd.ideaist
    • a virus mutating and becoming more virulent is abnormal. Didn't that exact same scenario happen with Spanish flu?yuekit
    • he talked to Yuri Deigin in june 2020 about it:…
    • https://yurideigin.m…

      the medium article about the lab hypothesis
    • Yuri Deigin doesn't think it's a bioweapon from the lab. it could also be natural mutations in the context of population of bats and pangolines kept in the lab.uan
    • I thought this article was good, gives fair consideration to the lab theory while also not overselling it.yuekit
    • The thing is, viruses mutate and recombine all the time in nature. And there are basically endless ways a virus could spread from animals to humans undetected.yuekit
    • SARS 1 for instance is believed to have originated in bats in Yunnan, China. It then somehow popped up in a city a day's drive away (just as far away as Wuhan).yuekit
    • That's why I think most scientists will say natural origin is most likely while not ruling out the lab leak. Because there are a small number of labs, butyuekit
    • millions of potential ways it could spread naturally...through farming, animal trade, markets etc.yuekit
    • And the reality is we don't know how many coronaviruses exist, nor is there much visibility into which viruses exist in which animal populations.yuekit
    • Wish he wore his bandana.PhanLo
    • https://en.wikipedia… its happened before, it'll happen againkingsteven
    • ^ was hoping that would anchor to the "laboratory accidents" section of the SARS articlekingsteven
    • It will eventually come out that Covid-19 was developed in a lab in Wuhan and accidentally got out to the public. The cover-up by China is the real crime.utopian
    • The WHO is visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology today. Weather forecast, foggy…
    • I think if it was developed in Wuhan, its fairly likely to be research funded and authorised by the US... I doubt we'll ever find out.kingsteven

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