Important Logo Question

Out of context: Reply #10

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  • silentseven0

    I agree with jimeeboy too. But what you can do is resign another contract and put geographic rights and time specific limitations on it as well. I had the same issue come up about 2 years ago, created a logo, handed it over but transferred only specific geographic rights that if it was used outside the area there would have to be a resiign of the contract and it would result in forfieture of the logo by the client . They ended up resigning antoher contract which gave them more rights but not all of them, also is the logo copyrighted ? But if you are on good terms i would approach it very cautiously. If you can get a hold of the GAG handbook and go through the section of rights transferred its a grey area, even better if you have a friend who is a intellectual property attorney or know of one i would consult them. Bottom line is what are you wiling to go through...

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