Out of context: Reply #54

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  • StoicLevels0

    QBN Log 2.21.2021

    Beware! Things are dire in the Cyberverse. Whoever reads this must know that time is running out on free will. The combination of Orweillian surveiilance, Artificial Intelligence and cancel culture have united with The Borg to create a technovirus that is sweeping the cyberverse and will not stop until it has consumed every energy source in order to build it's Dyson Sphere. The crew and I have countered this by procrastinating and watching Ingmar Bergman movies and Star Trek: Acid Party. We had a great time. Anywhoo, things seem swell on this planet of QOOB for the time being. We will take refuge here until we figure out what to do about the Borg. Metallica has seemingly already fallen under it's dreadful spell. All of reality is at play!

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