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  • sausages6

    After ponyboy’s magical poo post a while back (and the comments with it) I’ve hit the kombucha pretty hard. Not a fan of the big bottles of flavoured stuff so went for a concentrate I found at the local health food shop.

    Diet was always reasonably healthy (notwithstanding the excess of coffee and alcohol) but I’ve stopped eating gluten and have cut down on anything that isn’t at least borderline healthy.

    I no longer need multiple trips to the shitter every morning and my poo is on the way to magical status. I’m a new man and have noticed a real change in stress and moodiness as my health improves.

    Next stop, quit smoking cigs.

    Thanks QBN!

    • Awesome!GuyFawkes
    • Nicotine gumGuyFawkes
    • I quit smoking through vaping but ended up being hooked on vape for years, gum worked quick for meGuyFawkes
    • Yeah might try that. Patches literally gave me nightmares last time I was on them.sausages
    • What sucked about patches for me was when you take it off, your still getting nicGuyFawkes
    • Gum was more controllable nic wiseGuyFawkes
    • Do a quick search on how to make kombucha, you’ll be surprised how easy it is!scarabin
    • Cool story. I could do for some guy health solutions myself. But kombucha is is the most disgusting thing ever concocted. Why no gluten?monospaced
    • ** gut healthmonospaced
    • I hate the taste of kombucha too, hence having the concentrate. One mouthful and it’s over for the day.sausages
    • As for gluten, a bit is ok but if I have pizza or pasta I feel rubbish for a day or 2. Not a good tolerance the older I get...sausages
    • Which sucks because I really love making dough and eating pizza.sausages

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