
Out of context: Reply #4629

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  • robotinc5

    One more for pr2

    Data from one study shows that of more than 3,000 adults ages 18 to 34 who contracted COVID-19 and became sick enough to require hospital care, 21% ended up in intensive care, 10% were placed on a breathing machine and 2.7% died.…

    • Pre-medical conditions?ApeRobot
    • yo math wizard, 3000 out of what number of actually infected? Context matters.pr2
    • Feel free to post a credible source and not your tinfoil hat blogsrobotinc
    • time for you to learn that this thing called "google" exists.pr2
    • ok dumdum. the 2.7% is 88 people. in that time period the US had 2.5mil new cases. Do you understand basic math to know how tiny the percentage point it is?pr2
    • 0.004%pr2
    • 2.7% of the 3,000 (81, dumdum) hospitalized in the study died.monospaced
    • why would you take 88 and divide by all cases? obviously there were thousands of deaths a day each daymonospaced
    • you're not even doing basic math anymore, you're just dividing one variable by another which shouldn't be usedmonospaced
    • mono dumdum, is someone is trying to say that 2.7% of covid youth die they are outright spreading the lie because a vast majority of people sadly is too dim...pr2
    • to understand the huge difference between "overall" mortality and "hospitalized."pr2
    • (and yeah, my spelling/grammar sucks)pr2
    • your spelling and grammar is better than your mathematics, reasoning and critical thinking skills, and that is what makes this whole thing more patheticmonospaced
    • And it's not a lie that in this study, of 3,000 adults (not youth), 2.7% of those died. If you're rejecting this, you're rejecting reality.monospaced
    • even my 5 year old starts understanding context that you don't. what are you then 4? congrats on ability to write then!pr2
    • Clearly your 5 year old is the victim here, indoctrinated with your bullshit anti-mask narrative, emotionally based pseudo math agenda. I feel sorry for it.monospaced

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