Out of context: Reply #237

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  • NBQ000

    • His day job (used) to be for clients. But how did he manage to do all those images and animations every day?NBQ00
    • I know a lot of models are from Turbosquid and such sites but that still takes time to edit them, texture, prepare, and so on.NBQ00
    • Yeah, that's like using a 3D UI kit, you work way faster. But also some of the works...grafician
    • those Elon or Trump pieces were highly custom, I have doubts alsografician
    • love the hair and glasses.. He went from nerdy 4chan artist to corporate just takes $69MM!!!dkoblesky
    • All his work was not as complex as his recent work...dkoblesky
    • Yeah, now that I know he used turbosquid and etc, I think it is totally doable. I think he works in a really smart on some 3D elements too.Fabricio
    • I remember seeing him working on a piece some years ago, and he went on very quickly in buidling a little city scenario, extruding polygons here and there...Fabricio
    • C4D is really powerful for that kind of thing, multiplying elements, spreading in a any given pattern. Plus, he is really talented in getting his ideas across.Fabricio
    • hilarious interview of him in School of Motion podcast describing his process ...'try stuff'...which I admired...dkoblesky
    • @dkoblesky man but ALL artists "try stuff" it's kinda what we do lolgrafician
    • I think he’s a funny guy. Even if the whole NFT thing is a bit questionable, he deserves it. 60M+ may be too much but who cares. Better him than a banker.NBQ00
    • Yeah, he deserves it. Despite the shitty NFT environment... but he made all his source files available to everyone for a very long time.Fabricio

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