
Out of context: Reply #174

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  • shapesalad7

    Have your opinion about crypto either way, but you can't deny, Vitalik is inspiringly smart.

    What I love about Lex's videos is this: you could go to the pub with some work mate and spend 2 hours talking nonsense: telly, football, women.

    Or you could listen to a Lex interview and grow, learn and be inspired. And thusly... I tend not to have too many friends in the real world as I rarely encounter people of equivalent intelligence as Lex or Vitalik.

    • Sorry if that sounds snobbish, but many times I've sat in a pub with work folk, thinking internally "when is it socially ok to go? I'm super bored".shapesalad
    • ^Why not just jump on QBN for a quick intellectual hit, we got it all from crypto to ufos!grafician
    • Thanks for sharing that. I've seen the video in a few places, but I didn't get a chance to watch it. This is the content I'd like to see shared here more oftenzaq
    • Lotsa folks just repeating FUD from the bears in here. Nothing of concern. Thanks for the link.DRIFTMONKEY
    • This channel is interesting. He has some legitimately smart people on, but also Sam Harris and GSP lol.garbage
    • Steer the bar convo that way, you’d be surprised how interested and engaged people can be but are maybe too shy to feel snobbish as you say :)_niko
    • Talking about tits and football from time to time is good. You don't lift weights everyday. Also, fuck Sam Harris and The Cider Cuck of doom Peterson.babydick
    • Vitalik is just a programmer that can talk for 15 min without actually saying anything valuable, running a payment network without any financial skills, oh wellgrafician
    • Also funny that listening to this guy Vitalik is like listening to Adam Back aka Satoshi - he again can talk for hours only nonsensegrafician

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