Street Art

Out of context: Reply #594

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  • PhanLo3

    This is more graffiti really, but it'll go in street art as we never used spraypaint apart from doing the little blue dots.

    My mate had been talking about painting this spot for a while and having had a bit of downtime with work I thought lets do it.
    Started at 9am on a sunday and were done by 3pm, all rollers and brushes. We painted our names really big on a main street during the day, but I tried to pick colours and a design that wasn't too offensive.

    Throughout the day people were asking us if it was the council who'd paid us and thanked us for painting what was a horrible eyesore which was totally ignored by whoever owned the land.
    One woman brought us a coffee and some baklava which was a welcome sugar rush.
    I also left with a list of contacts for local council groups and MP's whom I'll chase up for mural opportunities.

    The area we painted is sort of neglected, it's a busy spot near the city centre, but at the moment all the money is going to another area, Leith.

    I'd went home and came back to get photos and just as I was leaving I heard a little kid come down the stairs of his flat and as he got to the street he exclaimed "I'm freeee!" turning the corner to see the wall he said "WOW!" and kept running up the street.

    There's a wall round the corner and the residents we chatted to said we could paint a mural on it too.

    This is what it looked like before

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