
Out of context: Reply #5305

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  • Hayoth-1

    Continuing to drop truth bombs…

    The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded to William C. Campbell and Satoshi Ömura for their discoveries leading to ivermectin [1]. In addition to its extraordinary efficacy against parasitic diseases, ivermectin continues to offer new clinical applications due to its ability to be repurposed to treat new classes of diseases. Beyond its invaluable therapeutic role in onchocerciasis and strongyloidiasis, an increasing body of evidence points to the potential of ivermectin as an antiviral agent.

    • Lol do you even bother to read the shit you post?_niko
    • However, these results should be interpreted with caution. Firstly, it is important to note that the drug was only tested in vitro using a single line of monkey_niko
    • ... kidney cells engineered to express human signaling lymphocytic activation molecule (SLAM), also known as CDw150, which is a receptor for the measles virus_niko
    • Dropping Another Truth Bomb!
      Gunshot Victims Left Waiting as Horse Dewormer Overdoses Overwhelm Oklahoma Hospitals, Doctor Says
    • https://www.rollings…utopian
    • Oklahoma hospitals deluged by ivermectin overdoses, doctor says
    • Patients overdosing on ivermectin backing up rural Oklahoma hospitals, ambulances.…
    • that's 10 minutes of my life I want back... so ivermectin can't apparently be formulated efficiently for either oral formulations and it doesn'tjonny_quest_lives
    • reach adequate concentration levels in the human bloodstream necessary for treatment efficacy against the Zika virus but maybe nanotechnology solves it one day?jonny_quest_lives
    • or did I read the truth bomb wrong?jonny_quest_lives
    • I like how people interpret "won Nobel Prize" as "it can treat basically everything"yuekit
    • Of course Hayomook found "William Campbell & Satoshi Ömura" on the Alex Jones Website, where Alex Jones goes into great detail about the miracle drug, LOLutopian
    • Nobel Prize winning for humans!
      Nobel Prize winning for humans!
      Nobel Prize winning for humans!
    • The inventors of the covid vaccine will also win Nobel prizes. And those are made for covid and actually work.monospaced
    • you dummies are too dimwitted to understand the paper that basically says that we are not 100% sure, but all indications are that the drug basically works.pr2
    • the saying "throwing pearls in front of swine" was basically invented for people like you.pr2
    • basically...pr2
    • There are no lines of gunshot victims in Oklahoma, per the hospital the quoted doctor worked at.…monNom
    • dummies? The covid vaccines actually were proven to work. Why use something g that isn’t? Derpmonospaced
    • mono, when you get a flat tire, do you pour engine oil on it? cause this seems to be your reasoning here. BOTH work for different reasons and purposes.pr2
    • Take your horse laxatives and fuck off.face_melter
    • No, I change the tire. Your analogy is a total failure, and is not representative of what me and experts, and the science, say.monospaced
    • Vaccine is effective at keeping covid infection from becoming a life threatening disease condition. That’s a fact. Ivermectin isn’t proven to do anything for itmonospaced
    • Ivermectin is the equivalent of the oil you morons would pour in a flat tire. But it’s been shown to be good for cars! That’s what you sound like.monospaced

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