You are in a dungeon.

Out of context: Reply #79

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  • mantrakid1

    .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--. .--.
    :::::.\::::::::.\::::::::.\:::::... ! ACTION TIME !
    ' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--'

    Inspecting the various desks and tables you cant seem to find a lantern or candle which is odd considering how dark the room would be without Dennis' eye-glow bathing the room in the greenish light. You continue your search through the books and notice on one of the desks behind some glass flasks, there is one laying wide open.

    You walk over to the open book, holding Dennis and comforting his still quivering body. Directly on the open pages of the book is an illustration of a creature that looks exactly like Dennis, you scan the adjacent page. Written in a simple script in common you are astonished to see that it appears to be a thorough description of your crab-like friend.


    The Cycrab is an incredibly rare creature found in the seaside region of Twar. Its smooth, thick, crustacean-like shell protects a paradoxically complex biology including a heart, brain and central nervous system.

    One of the most peculiar features of this unusual creature is the large eye ball found embedded directly in the center of its hard shell. Stranger still is that the creature initially appears to not have any other source of processing sustenance for survival. Through vast experimentation it has been discovered that it gains nourishment from light sources entering its cornea.

    The Cycrab can live up to 100 years of age, with the average age being approximately 87 years old. While the newborns are quite small—roughly 6-10 ropknots in diameter on average—adult Cycrabs can grow to an incredible size, some reaching as large as a young elephorg.

    There is much to learn in regards to a Cycrab’s physiology and intelligence. They appear to be a highly empathetic, hyper-aware creature. There may be some links to its usage of light as nourishment that could mean they have an instinctual grasp on light-based biological telemetry.


    You look up from the book and at your new one-eyed friend & it blinks at you innocently, the room flickers as its eye closes for that fraction of an instant.

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