
Out of context: Reply #5538

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  • ETM3

    I can't believe you all still argue back and forth, back and forth. You're ALL tireless idiots for engaging each other. A bunch of people on a creative forum wasting 18+ months of their life commenting about the pandemic like it will change a damn thing. Coming back every day to see what was written, and see how they can regurgitate their opinions, stoke their egos and their "superior" intellect while flexing their "superior" understanding of the issue. Each side with their head so far up their own ass that they fail to see they're just 2 sides of the same coin.

    • I take it that you got your booster shot.utopian
    • lol we do it on a design forum for the absurdity of it all, for laughs and to troll pr2, chill._niko
    • One side of the coin is stupid afmonospaced
    • Pot calling the kettle black here budnb
    • L E L ZPhanLo
    • I'm not even responding to this idiot.Ianbolton
    • i'm here to see who got an F in the high school science class.pr2
    • *their livesNairn
    • lol, because that's as far as you got with your science education, I presume, pr2? Way to lower the bar to the bottom, you fear mongering idiot.monospaced
    • Thank god the people who are behind the global covid response efforts have higher education in science, unlike you.monospaced
    • mono, i wish you got an F in HS because then at least i would know i'm not talking to a total moron but just lazy imbecile.pr2
    • https://image1.masteā€¦scarabin
    • Jesus Christ, what if his chest hairs got caught in the springs? Mad Lad Dad.garbage
    • Tell me you're a libertarian without telling me you're a libertarian. These always show up to declare they aren't either "group" to establish supremacy.ShenanigansTV
    • ?
      A libertarian is either a naive, college-aged republican that can't admit it, or an IDW type that has tripled-down on their intellectual cosplay.

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