
Out of context: Reply #16

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  • duckseason1

    My company does something sorta similar to streamline creation of our more generic social/banner ads.

    We set up our base assets each quarter and are able to quickly swap out messaging by entering it into the Main Component and having it populate a couple dozen sizes automatically. From there just export and reset.

    • itsn't all this component stuff the same as symbols in Flash back in the day? I'd make empty text symbols, that then read data to be populated.shapesalad
    • If Figma had AS1, or some ability to code and export to web... would be nice, a step back perhaps to flash days, but nice.shapesalad
    • < Thanks, this is very similar to what we want to do. Ideally my team wants to NOT have to reset, but that may be the option. to make this work.jaylarson
    • Yeah, components are essentially the same idea as Symbols. There is an API that some folks have done some interesting stuff with.duckseason
    • eg. Uber used it to create an internal web repo for assets that folks can access that uses the Figma file as its source.duckseason

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