Turns out I'm dating a Pro...

Out of context: Reply #35

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  • catpower5

    Since we've come this far, I might as well share a bit of craziness (that all makes sense now). On my mother's grave, I swear all of this is true. Writing it out is actually helping me wrap my head around it. It's been a lot to take.

    One night we went out, and I kept noticing that she was acting a little off. We went from one place to the next, getting progressively drunker. As the night came to an end, I went up to settle the bill, and she disappeared. I texted and called — nothing. I respect the art of an Irish Exit, but this was just bizarre. I decided to peek into the women's restroom and saw her boots under the door. Ah, got it. It can happen to the best of us.

    I'm a grown-ass man. Bathroom issues are fine. Take your time. I'll get you home — no big deal. I went to wait on the street.

    Five minutes later, she popped out as though nothing was odd. I tried to make her feel calm/no shame etc. Out of sympathy, I lied and said that I wasn't feeling great and could use some sleep. I was trying to give her an easy out. Instead, she draped herself on me, bit my ear, and said that she could "cure" me. *cue awkward boner

    The Uber came, and in what seemed like one fluid motion, we got in, closed the door, she pulled her tits were out and unzipped my pants. I had to stop her from going down on me right there. I've worked too hard for my Uber rating to blow it figuratively and literally. Priorities, people. Priorities.

    We get to my place, and she's like, "I want you to fuck me in the shower." *cue awkward boner again

    We undress and start making out in the shower. It was incredibly erotic. Then, without saying a word, she turned her back to me, grabbed my cock, and pushed it in from behind without protection. This was NOT consensual. At the time, I didn't know about her "profession," but it still obviously made me nervous. But my junk is nothing if not persistent.

    It really is amazing what you can look past as a guy. 30 minutes earlier, I thought she had explosive diarrhea, and now I'm clocking in right beside ground zero to put in some of that ancient work.

    After a bit, I pull out, look down, and realize that I have blood all over my junk. What. The. Fuck. My literal thought was, "and this is how you get AIDs." Again, I'm a grown-ass man. Periods are fine. But surely I deserve a heads up. Knowing what I know now, it makes a lot of sense. It's her MO. Do something reprehensible, mask it with god-tier sexual energy, and let the reveal murder your soul.

    We stop, I wash off with the thoroughness of a surgeon, we get dressed, and we go to bed. We're nearly asleep, and all of a sudden, she starts grinding on me aggressively. Blood starts getting on fucking everything. While she's working to recreate the horse scene in the Godfather, I'm debating my options and questioning existence itself. Should I go with it or stop this nonsense. Life is all about choices.

    At this point, I've been borderline assaulted, treated like a tampon, and turned into a human Rorschach Test. She can't get pregnant right now, so I just went with it. I have this mental slide show of images from that night that read more like a UFC highlight reel than a romance novel. Aggressive. Deplorable. Intense. Just ridiculous.

    Perhaps the funniest part was us waking up to this crime scene. I asked her if she wanted to go to a diner. We decontaminated, got dressed, and acted like everything was normal. I have never had more mixed feelings in my life. I remember looking at this whore in the eyes while eating an omelet and wondering what on earth my ex-wife was doing at the same time. Her Saturdays usually started with HGTV, and here I am making small talk with the fourth seal of the apocalypse. "At least she can't get pregnant... at least there's that..."

    • AIDsbabydick
    • I mean, it's a great read and we're all entertained, but going in raw means you're out of your fucking mindbabydick
    • Yeah, I'm never doing that again ever.catpower
    • How was it not consensual? She told you she wanted to fuck you in the shower and you got in the shower with a boner.palimpsest
    • It's borderline, I'll grant you. We had always used protection in the past, even in the shower, and we never talked about it.catpower
    • She just put it in without consulting me, and she knows I've been adamant in the past about protection.catpower
    • I think this was one of the things Julian Assange was accused of by the Swedish woman he dated, unconsensual sex without a condom.yuekit
    • Or rather the sex was consensual, but the lack of condom he didn't get their agreement on.yuekit
    • Rubber in the shower sounds weird to me. Like fucking in the shower with flip-flops on. Guess that's just how I was raised.palimpsest
    • Exactly. The sex was consensual. The lack of condom was not, and she knew it.catpower
    • I'm waiting for some butt activitiesbabydick
    • What a story, Mark.NBQ00
    • How long have you been together exactly?
      Also, this is how you split text into paragraphs
    • you just earned your red wings.fooler
    • You writing an erotic novel right? And testing the water on us?pango
    • Also. AIDSpango
    • I hope that you really do have 9 lives!utopian
    • @Pango... all true. Also if this was an erotic novel, I can't imagine who would read this for pleasure?!catpower
    • People... Lol
    • one more vote for AIDS.CyBrainX
    • Now I understand why you’re puzzled. Reminds me of a girl I once dated who told me she dreamt she stabbed me. I split up.SimonFFM
    • Look at that bitch eating chickenHijoDMaite
    • she's pozzed youBrabo_Brabo
    • TLDRautoflavour
    • Just listened to that "right click, speech", hilarious : ) but you definitely have Aids, byemrAtor
    • Growing up on a council estate makes me feel your vibe man. Sounds like the shit I went through just to get laid.Ianbolton
    • Ah the old "I have to take a huge ghost shit when the bill comes" lolcannonball1978
    • "fourth seal of the apocalypse" - HAHAmstocks

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