Russia-Ukraine Invasion

Out of context: Reply #530

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  • pablo28-10

    Only 3 excerpts from the Romanian press:

    1. "Some of the refugees accuse that they had to bribe Ukrainian customs officials to cross into our country:

    "They are very happy that they have arrived in a safe territory, unfortunately they have a lot of problems at their customs. Corruption in Ukraine is also rife there and I have even met cases where people had to pay a lot of money at customs to get their children across the border, even as much as €2,000 for one child."" -


    2. "More and more drivers from Iassy (Iasi) have seen with their eyes Ukrainian border guards asking for bribes from women with children in their arms who intend to enter Romania.

    The day before yesterday, a driver who left Iasi to go to Turkey told us by phone that the Ukrainian policemen were asking for bribes.

    "There are Turkish students returning home in the bus. On Sunday noon at Siret Customs, on the Ukrainian side, the border guards asked the Ostruders for 100 euros each. They are very keen on making money," the coach driver told us." -


    3. "Since 25 February, Ukrainian men aged between 18 and 60 have not been allowed to leave the country and have been forced to fight in the war. President Zelenski has ordered a general military mobilisation and the Ukrainian state has issued weapons to civilians.
    However, men are still leaving Ukraine at border crossings to Romania, either alone or with their families. One explanation is that many of them are of other nationalities and hold citizenship other than Ukrainian, in which case they are allowed to leave the war zone. Another explanation is that Ukrainian customs officers take bribes from those who want to leave. According to some sources, the bribe was initially €200-400, and has now reached €2000. The tragedy is for the poor, but also for the very young, who at 18-19 years of age have been forced to stay in the hustle and bustle of war." -

    • lol only one article mentions "border guards" or anything that has authority to let people pass.
      these are the same far-right portals that exists all over eu?
    • and roll the same articles.
      yeah sure you have to be hostile since romania is one of the biggest supporters of ukraine in this crisis...
    • +few hours ago it was your "friends".sted
    • LIES. my childhood fried works for intelligence. i got good info.pr2

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