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Out of context: Reply #2618

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  • Nairn0

    What's happened recently with the use of 'No worries'?

    Perhaps it's just coincidence, but it's like the fourth time this week alone someone's used it inappropriately, like as a response to something I've said that shouldn't in any way imply any level of concern whatsoever. Is it an Ozzie-ism, or something? I mean, I've always thought it was an Ozzie-ism, but when used correctly.

    it's quite annoying.

    • As it happens ...
    • In my head I feel as though people are constantly putting words on a spectrum of meaning, mainly because the internet is filled with all the world's languagesIanbolton
    • But fuck, I use no worries all the time. Am I going to get cancelled soon?Ianbolton
    • I use it too, just.. correctly, not as a response to something like 'I'd be happy to do that for you'.Nairn
    • @ianbolton no worries, dude.Krassy
    • Worries, dude.cannonball1978
    • It's the new default, people worrying to not offend anyonegrafician
    • yeah I think they want to say "don't worry about it"_niko
    • I don't hear it that often here in Oz but I always thought it was more generic, like an OK/cool rather than anything to do with anyone's levels of concern.MrT
    • Just had another one. Sent someone a load of extra pieces on their order as I made a mistake (in their favour). In their email they respond "No worries".Nairn
    • Wha? Why? That's not how it works! If you say "thanks for the extra pieces!" I can then get to say "no worries". I know you don't have any worries! wat.Nairn
    • I get you now. A cheap get out clause for a situation like you explain. Sounding thankful without expressing awareness to what you’ve actually done for themIanbolton

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