Russia-Ukraine Invasion

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  • Khurram-4

    Nuland-Pyatt Tape Removed From YouTube After 8 Years
    May 25, 2022
    A popular version, with subtitles, suddenly was made unavailable on Wednesday. The tape provides the smoking gun of U.S. involvement in 2014 Kiev coup. (Read the transcript).

    By Joe Lauria
    Special to Consortium News…

    The smoking gun proving U.S. involvement in the 2014 coup in Kiev has been removed from YouTube after eight years.

    It was one of the most watched versions of the intercepted and leaked conversation between then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt, the then U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in which the two discuss who will make up the new government weeks before democratically-elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a violent coup on Feb. 21, 2014.

    The two talk about “midwifing” the unconstitutional change of government and “gluing it together” and of the role then Vice President Joe Biden should play and what meetings to set up with Ukrainian politicians.

    The U.S. State Department never denied the authenticity of the video, and even issued an apology to the European Union after Nuland is heard on the tape saying, “Fuck the E.U.” Mainstream media at the time focused almost exclusively on that off-color remark, ignoring the greater significance of U.S. interference in Ukraine’s internal affairs.

    Consortium News has numerous times embedded the YouTube video in articles about the overthrow of Yanukovych. CN successfully embedded it earlier this week in an article now being written, but on Wednesday the video suddenly appeared this way in the draft article:

    • Remember this is Yanukovych, embezzled as much as $37 billion from Ukraine
    • He fled the country (to Russia of course) and Ukraine's parliament appointed a temporary replacement until elections were held. Is that really a coup?yuekit
    • Mmmm, when the American are discussing putting together a post-Yanukovych government weeks before the man has been driven out of office... kinda fishy?Khurram
    • And nothing fishy about the cosy financial relationship Biden built vis-a-vis his son and the Zelensky administration, nothing fishy about these things at all!Khurram
    • Yes it's all very sad but I think you might be falling for a conspiracy theory here...among other things, the clip is still on YouTube lol.yuekit
    • So they literally wrote a story about ONE version of the clip being taken down, for reasons they have no idea about.yuekit
    • Yeah, Matt Taibi was tweeting about it Yesterday:…Khurram
    • Interesting call though, a good time to highlight it.Khurram
    • I don't think it shows a coup...the uprising started in 2013, this is from February 2014. It shows Americans reacting to what happened and trying to influenceyuekit
    • the new government. Notice how they say we like this guy, we don't like this other guy...well how did the guy they don't like end up there if it all of this wasyuekit
    • all a CIA plot or whatever people are imagining? And after this, there were two presidential elections. The "coup" narrative really makes no sense at all.yuekit
    • From the video I posted above...this guy actually helped negotiate between the two sides during 2014...…
    • That's a very generous narrative you're buying into there yuekit I understand why you would want to believe that.Khurram
    • You're the one who is pushing a conspiracy theory here. This is how it was reported at the time:yuekit
    • "Ukraine President Yanukovich impeached"
    • https://www.kyivpost…yuekit
    • That last article includes interesting detail that Yanukovych actually resigned, then tried to take it back, then he fled the country.yuekit
    • You can see from these early stories that the "coup" storyline was coming from Yanukovych himself after Ukrainian parliament impeached him.yuekit

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